3 years ago... a pebble in the pond screened!! | Paul Howard

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3 years ago... A PEBBLE IN THE POND screened!!

3 years ago today, on November 9th, 2019 (gosh how the world has changed!) we screened A PEBBLE IN THE POND for family, friends, cast and crew for the very first time. Now, with the film having been released via Freestyle worldwide and just shy of the two month anniversary, it’s hard to imagine how much of the journey I still had left. This version of the film I’m about to introduce in this clip would eventually become the “Director’s Cut” of the film. The current version now available, is a tighter, faster moving, ultimately stronger version of the film that I’m deeply proud of. I gave this speech right before we screened the film. After, the audience (with their official A PEBBLE IN THE POND reusable bags) traveled a few doors down to have a beautiful event at Atrium, where I was fortunate to continue to celebrate our accomplishment with so many of my loved ones both new and old! What an amazing journey this has been! Thanks to all those that were in the audience three years ago and all those with me now, helping to create larger and larger ripples with this film! I believe that film can and does more than entertain. It can educate, change perspectives, and inspire the world to take action! In fact, A PEBBLE IN THE POND began that journey three years ago (one audience member joined Assistance League Santa Clarita the very next day, and remains an important and valued part of that chapter today) and continues today, educating, entertaining, and inspiring. Thank you to all those supporting with action. I am grateful! See our joyful film via the numerous platforms offering it or order a physical copy on DVD here: https://www.freestyledigitalmedia.tv/film/a-pebble-in-the-pond/

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