Matthew dean wood interview yhvh talent management | Rafa Melendez

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Matthew Dean Wood Interview YHVH Talent Management

Matthew Dean Wood was born on July 17th, 1985 in Manhasset, New York at North Shore University Hospital. He grew up in Whitestone, New York and started out in local community theatre working backstage in theatrical productions. He had no intentions of acting until the bug hit him shortly before his 18th birthday and he got his first opportunity to perform on stage. He fell in love with it immediately and has not looked back since. He was trained at Queensborough Community College in Bayside, New York, followed by Queens College in Flushing, New York where he majored in Drama & Theatre. In June, 2008 he studied Irish Theatre in Galway, Ireland. This included playing Christy Mahon in scene work from The Playboy Of the Western World, by John Millington Synge. He also played Yoland in Translations, by Brian Friel.

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