GENRE: Adventure, Animation, Family
An orphaned boy belonging to a Clan of cave dwellers becomes a great inventor and artist, making it possible for him, his little brother and his Clan to survive great adventures and catastrophic events, all in the name of love, family and home.
'Uwgo The Inventor - The Angry Mountain" This story is the first of a series, which establishes this Clan's struggle for survival against nature and the elements and how love is the mother of invention. The story contains not one instance of man's inhumanity to man. "Uwgo The Inventor II - The Comet" This story takes place several years later and Uwgo"s Clan has enjoyed some prosperity and benefited from Uwgo's genius. However, evil lurks in this episode in the form of two threats. Uwgo see's something that changes him forever.
Can I like my own screenplay?
'Uwgo The Inventor - The Angry Mountain" This story is the first of a series, which establishes this Clan's struggle for survival against nature and the elements and how love is the mother of invention. The story contains not one instance of man's inhumanity to man. "Uwgo The Inventor II - The Comet" This story takes place several years later and Uwgo"s Clan has enjoyed some prosperity and benefited from Uwgo's genius. However, evil lurks in this episode in the form of two threats. Uwgo see's something that changes him forever.
This sounds good :)