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“White Trash”
Dina Droid 32, is just an average single mother trying to raise her 13 year old son Andy, while also supporting her younger twin brothers Charles 31, who lives his life dressed as a woman named Chicklette, even though he is straight and married to Hypalina, 32 who bares an uncanny resemblance to Liza Minnelli, if of course Liza had been given make-up lessons from Tammy Faye Baker! Then there is Phil 31, Chicklette’s fraternal twin who has the mentality of an 8 year old and an obsession with The Hulk. Oh and let’s not forget about Dina’s mother who lives in her basement, and who never seems to stop bitching and complaining about everything, while chain smoking!
Dina who has a sever uncontrollable flatulence (gas) problem due to a difficult labor and delivery is just barely keeping things together financially and mentally when she is laid off from her Nursing job and her son Andy, proclaims he is now a girl named Anne! Unable to cope Dina along with the others decides to use what little money she has left to travel to NYC and track down Andy’s father Davison an international male model and make him start to pay child support.
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LMAO! : )