Set picture film short Waan (2013), together with actor Sander Houwaart who played Vincent. I enjoyed being on one of the most beautiful and inspiring film sets I acted on: The Huis Balckeneynde (The House Balckeneynde) in The Hague, The Netherlands, which was built in 1639 for the Upper Class at the time. Ever since, very little has been changed inside and outside. 'Downstairs' one finds the original kitchen. The house with its authentic interior, like the Blue Salon at the first floor, can be hired and used for meetings and dinner parties. Behind this house the French Styled garden with a wooden chalet. The Van Balckeneynde Huis now is a monumental building and to this day stands in a characteristic and unique location. The 'Set Picture' is taken in the library. Address: Dunne Bierkade 18, 2512 BC The Hague