Screenwriting : Uptick on my Screenplay Competition by Thomas J. Herring

Thomas J. Herring

Uptick on my Screenplay Competition

I entered the Table Read my Screenplay contest and forgot about it. I found out yesterday that I moved up to the semi-finalist round. Considering only about 600 competed in the competition, I wonder if this really makes a big deal or not. If this was the Nichols then I'd feel happy but I didn't enter this year because I didn't think it would get to the next stage.

Leona McDermott


Anthony Cawood

Congrats Thomas, progress is progress!

Shawn Speake

Way to write, Thomas! Congrats!

Phil Parker

Celebrate your successes, no matter the size. They are the juice that keeps us going :-)

Sylvia Marie Llewellyn

Huge Congrats Thomas... it does matter...

Thomas J. Herring

Thanks. I'll take it as another milestone in jump starting my screenwriting career.

Alverne Ball


Barbara Rodriguez


Stephen Barber

Thomas..Great job - nevertheless! The only (true cut) to make in contests, is one where you're persistant to keep improving your writing, from a contests perception, or; from your own growth scale as a writer. Great job, and keep moving...

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"

Dear Thomas: Your accomplishment is quite respectable so allow yourself to enjoy the moment. And congratulations to you sir!.

Melody McLellan


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