I entered the Table Read my Screenplay contest and forgot about it. I found out yesterday that I moved up to the semi-finalist round. Considering only about 600 competed in the competition, I wonder if this really makes a big deal or not. If this was the Nichols then I'd feel happy but I didn't enter this year because I didn't think it would get to the next stage. http://www.tablereadmyscreenplay.com/winners/year/2015_2
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Congrats Thomas, progress is progress!
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Way to write, Thomas! Congrats!
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Celebrate your successes, no matter the size. They are the juice that keeps us going :-)
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Huge Congrats Thomas... it does matter...
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Thanks. I'll take it as another milestone in jump starting my screenwriting career.
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Thomas..Great job - nevertheless! The only (true cut) to make in contests, is one where you're persistant to keep improving your writing, from a contests perception, or; from your own growth scale as a writer. Great job, and keep moving... https://youtu.be/b8nb34w-lvw
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Dear Thomas: Your accomplishment is quite respectable so allow yourself to enjoy the moment. And congratulations to you sir!.