Screenwriting : Writing characters by Christine Capone

Christine Capone

Writing characters

Hi All! I have a question re: characters. In my opening scene I have a disguised male committing a robbery. Then I introduce another disguised male. Do I number them like DISGUISED MALE #1 and DISGUISED MALE #2?

Then I have that both disguised men jump into their car and speed off. Should I write both Disguised Men or do I not even have to capitalize it? I hope this makes sense.

Warren Eig

MAN IN CLOWN MASK, MAN WITH SKI MASK... How are they disguised? or Disguised Man 1 & 2

Christine Capone

Right now I have sweatshirts with hoods pulled over their heads and dark sunglasses. If I write Disguised Man #1 and #2 do you think I have to go into detail?

M L.

If these are characters who are eventually undisguised and have dialogue with each other and are the main characters in the film, I'd just use their names and indicate they're in disguise.

Christine Capone

ML, No they are not going to be shown again in the script.

Erik A. Jacobson

Didn't "The Usual Suspects" have a similar scene?

William Martell

In my Supporting Characters Blue Book I look at "numbered characters"... and suggest you don't use numbers. Use a word that describes their character or attitude. Something that an actor can play even when they are wearing a mask.

Pierre Langenegger

What William said. I also advise people not to use numbers.

Nicholas In Seattle

Hello Christine, what a great question for aspiring screenwriters!

In my humble opinion I'd say this to your query:

Remember when writing your scenes with New Charaters-- you're "introducing them" to your audience-- who's NEVER SEEN them before in their life, and in the care of Scripts-- you're trying to paint a picture FOR those who would be considering making your Script into a Motion Picture (Film). And so; I think it best to give each Character that "needs to be introduced" a "Character Trait-- something we CAN SEE ABOUT THEM that would caused them to STAND OUT in our Script or Scene.

A great example I think of is this:

You're the one who's giving a description of SOMEONE OF INTEREST... a person of interest right? You're giving this to someone, with the knowledge that SOON FROM NOW... you will bring them to a room and in that room, THE PERSON OF INTEREST will be there.. amidst the crowd. How can you describe this PERSON OF INTEREST in a way, that "When they walk into the room... they'll SPOT THAT PERSON INSTANTLY-- according to HOW YOU DESCRIBED them." It only takes "ONE SPECIFIC DETAIL" to make a SPOT ON Description. IE; (He was wearing a Dark Colored Derby hat, just like thee old time gangsters used to wear, and he had a scare on his left cheek... right next to his ear."

Hope that helps

Enjoy! And keep on writing everyone! WE NEED "YOUR CREATED STORIES!!!"

Kindly always,


Tony Clare

Hi Christine, It's funny you should ask this because I was only reading about something similar this week. I would always have just numbered them, until I read something that said something along the lines of "never make a character too incidental or basic, give them something that adds to the tone, no matter how subtle".

There's a really interesting story about when Richard Curtis was pitching the idea of Four Weddings and a Funeral. The story goes something like Richard pitches the film and then sits back expecting to be asked about the main characters. One of the execs then asks him about one of the Priests (who only had a couple of lines). Richard responds something like "he's the Priest for the third wedding" or whatever. The Exec replies "but what made him go into the priesthood?"

Ever since hearing that story, I guess I always have it in my mind when introducing a character in a script. Hope that helps. Good luck with the script. Stay safe



Christine Capone

Thanks everyone. This is very helpful. Looks like I have some work to do. And Tony you definitely gave me something to think about.

Craig D Griffiths

Read the opening sequence of “Hell or High Water”. It starts with a bank robbery and intro the characters we will follow.

Rosalind Winton

I have soldiers in my script and I had numbered them, then I received industry feedback that suggested I use descriptive words rather than numbers for them, so now I've got 'scruffy soldier' and 'scarred soldier'. So I would do that with your characters as well, even though they are not in the script for long, it gives a better 'visual' idea of the characters.

Dan MaxXx

I'd look at movies beginning with masked robbers, read the scripts and steal/study how the writers did it on the page. Den of Thieves, Point Break, The Dark Knight, The Town are some examples.

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