Acting : Resources for Monologues by Karen "Kay" Ross

Karen "Kay" Ross

Resources for Monologues

Hey, Stage32 Talent!

There was a recent post about where to find monologues, and I'm opening it up to the collective wisdom:

1) Where do you get your monologues? What's a new monologue you'd love to tackle?

2) What's the best acting advice for (self-tape) monologues you've ever received?

3) What's your biggest challenge that your Stage32 Community can help you with?

Answer and find my answers below! Tag three friends, or share the link with three friends!

If you find yourself working on a new monologue, post a link to your video so we can give you feedback!

Rahim Bukhari
  1. I get free monologues from You have access to many monologues from various genres and you can also purchase the script if you'd like.

    2. "Be absolutely sure of your lines before you perform"

    3. I'm a complete novice to the movie industry. All I know about movies is from an audience's point of view. I believe I do have a talent for acting but it's nothing close to what a professional can do. I don't have an actor's degree, only done a few plays in school, and have never stepped into an audition room. Although I have the enthusiasm to step into the industry I'm also nervous and tend to lose confidence. To put it simply, I feel like a hobbit in a world of elves. Is there something the Stage could do to pump in me a wee bit of inspiration so that I can keep going? I mean it's not too much to ask, is it? :)

Rahim Bukhari

Here's a monologue that I performed. It's called 'The Last M&M Samurai' written by Jason Arnone. I found this on I'm desperate for some feedback on it. Thank you for your post :)

There are others on my YouTube channel. You couldcheck them out too if you'd like :)

Karen "Kay" Ross

Awesome, Rahim Bukhari! Thanks for the advice, and we can absolutely pump you up! First off, you should connect with Jon Snow, another member here on Stage32 who has started a YouTube series on acting: Connect with him, read his posts, and comment on them. And then I would suggest doing the same with two other people you've met on the Acting Lounge - friend, read, comment.

And any time you feel like a hobbit in a world of elves, just remember - acting requires all types!

Do you have this link on your profile as well? Visitors can leave you feedback there. And keep asking people for the feedback! Once you've got a few, do a new recording, and get more feedback! * long-distance high-five * Keep going, sir!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Actually, Rahim Bukhari did you check out our webinar on self-taping techniques? Check it out!

Rahim Bukhari

@KarenERoss, this is a treasure horde of information you've shared with me. I can't be more thankful. :) :) I have sent Jon Snow a connection request and have also done everything you've advised me to do. I will also be checking out the webinar today. Thank you for lifting my spirits. I was desperate for some one-to-one mentoring. Have the best weekend ahead and stay safe n healthy :) :) :)

Karen "Kay" Ross

You are most welcome, Rahim Bukhari! Would you do me a favor and share the love? Maybe read through the Acting Lounge and comment on three other posts so other members get some of that one-on-one attention, too. Thank you, sir! You have a great weekend, too!

Florin Şumălan

1. I took something from:, I think this website could be good too (and maybe I will choose a monologue for the next self-tape from here):

I took some monologues from movies and also I composed one monologue (for Erica Bream's "Oh"- riginal self tape challenge).

2. One of the best acting advice for self-taping, I think, could be what Erin Elizabeth Burns says - to approach the self-tapes as scenes - to see the self-tape as a scene, not as an audition.

3. I don't know what could be the biggest challenge I have (that Stage 32 Community can help with).

I am still thinking that I want to make a great story. I had some ideas, I wanted to write something recently, then I stopped because I said that it's stupid, because it's too simple. I think I need some good inspiration, but good inspiration maybe comes from another place...I don't know...

Maybe I don't have to do all the things myself - like on a movie crew - everybody helps to make a great story...maybe there could be some collaboration with the Stage 32 Community and other people from Stage 32.

But perhaps I can (and maybe it would be nice to) return this question: what can I help the Stage 32 Community with?

Karen "Kay" Ross

Florin Şumălan - I love that advice! Thinking of it as a scene definitely gives you room to listen to the other people in the room and gives you that time to show the thought process before you respond. Awesome!

Yeah, man, of course, we can help you with your idea! I would suggest writing out the idea from beginning to end in paragraph form. Then, send it off to 3-5 trusted peers. Great stories, just like great scripts, aren't written - they are RE-written. So, the sooner you can get feedback, the sooner you can make those weaker points stronger. Why not start a post in the Screenwriting Lounge asking for people's feedback?

Keep going! We got your back!

Florin Şumălan

Karen "Kay" Ross , thank you. I started a post in the Screenwriting Lounge some time ago. I had some questions for making a short film. This is the post: and this is the short movie I made after that:

But it's little. There could be done more.. I am still waiting for inspiration..waiting for answers..I am still thinking what story I could make from those kind of ideas (meaning of life, consciousness, searching for the truth...)

Or maybe I could start with smaller ideas and let those big ideas for later when I have some answers. I don't know...

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