Just wanted to make myself known out there on this platform. I can't wait to meet many of you and share with each other some of our Ideas and writing ideas. Look in my bio for my details.
Just wanted to make myself known out there on this platform. I can't wait to meet many of you and share with each other some of our Ideas and writing ideas. Look in my bio for my details.
Hi @Paul welcome aboard!
Hi Paul. I'm new here myself. Nice to meet you.
Hello and welcome Paul. Love your headshot.
Welcome Paul S.O Ndifon !
Welcome Paul
Hi, Paul S.O Ndifon and welcome aboard! You're going to love it here! Here are my two cents on how to get the most out of Stage 32: Check out the free resources: blogs, free webinars and follow them on IG for some really amazing Lives! More tabs to check out: Education, Script Services (for development and script services, including the best execs in the industry from Universal, MGM, Mandalay Pictures, HBOMax and many others!) - Also, if you're seeking guidance about your career or want to try out the Writers' Room (where we do script coverages, practice pitches, have the opportunity to pitch to executives, learn about the craft and business and so much more) for a free month, please reach out to Jason Mirch (j.mirch@stage32.com) the Director of Script Services.