Introduce Yourself : Brand Spanking New! by J.D. Mason

J.D. Mason

Brand Spanking New!

My name is J. D. Mason and I’ve been a novelist for decades until my “retirement” from the publishing industry in June. I’ve had over 30 books published, won some awards and even had some major studios/production companies show interest in my books. No one bit, though. I’ve always wanted to see my work on film and decided to go ahead and get it done myself. I’m a brand new screenwriter and have completed two shorts “The Ghost of Me” and “Pearl of Dumpling”. I’m here to network and to learn and to share and I’m so excited to be in the company of all you AMAZING creators.

Allen Lynch

Hello J.D.! Congratulations on an amazing career & much continued success.

Maurice Vaughan

Great to meet you, J.D. Mason. Since you're new to screenwriting, you might want to check out the Stage 32 blogs.

J.D. Mason

Thanks Maurice. I’ll definitely check them out.

Myriam B

You rock ! How was your journey in publishing ? Welcome to another page of your story !

Thomas Kelesides

Hi J.D.!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, J.D. Mason.

Kristy Kamin

Well done you! That’s awesome.

Margie Walker

Hey J.D.. I share your dream of having serious interest in any of my romance or mystery books. Fingers crossed for us!

Cherelynn Baker

Get ready to have fun on Stage 32! Glad you joined!

Edyta Niewinska

Love to see novelists here! I am novelist myself and it feels like home to see more storytellers in this community.

J.D. Mason

Hi Myriam B. My publishing journey was EPIC. Took 6 years to land an agent/NYC publisher. I wrote books for Macmillion, S&S, and Kensington and I self published. I've got over 30 books in print, so it was awesome.

J.D. Mason

Hi Art. My books can be found on, etc.

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