Writing goals for '22? To lay low; both the Univ & the local CC are trying to con me back into teaching screenwriting and DSLR film Production - I ain't gonna do that no more.
Revamp a pilot, start a new screenplay, attend Cinestory TV retreat and secure management. Also applying to the Stowe Feature Campus Screenwriting Program and gearing up to pitch, pitch, pitch.
I’m done with school but don’t say that lightly. Retrained from oil & gas secretary Norway to film director London & never looked back. Society is crippled by ageism and all sorts of other negative “isms.” We can all do it, anytime, anywhere, anyhow but need ignore negativity.
Maurice, thank you for the question. It may sound strange in our uneasy time, but exactly this year I understood how much I love story-telling and writing as a part of this way to the audience. I want to take some re-write of my old stories - I stopped writing screenplays two years ago, just translating other writer's works, but after producing some short films by myself this year, I understood how strong I wish to write new stories - I understood that I really have something to tell....
Maurice, thanks for mentioning my last works =) I mean short films we produced recently - they're doing great - just yesterday we received "Official Selection" award from one of film festivals - we're in active search for an animation studio to cooperate in production, and fundraising... oh, this part of story-telling has its own interesting, creative moments... =) Thank you, Maurice!
No problem, buddy. I'm 35 pages into a tv pilot about Tenochtitlan and roughly 20 into a Christopher Guest-esque comedy feature about the film festival experience. Keep us posted of your progress. Always a pleasure hearing from you.
I remember you gave me a note about my pitch deck, Martin. It was about shortening the number of synopsis pages. It was five pages. I cut it down to four today. Thanks for the note.
Writing goals: conceive, develop, outline and complete writing at least two new feature specs (I'm starting the first one right now).
Webinars: continue watching and analyzing many of the videos from the Writers' Room Vault (finally getting some momentum here!) ...
continue submitting my two recent scripts for competitions, coverage reports, samples for assignments and pitches and gain connections and traction towards the long-term goals of inking a deal,
ultimately a script sale and moving into production and earning my WGA membership, it's a marathon and I'm moving forward every week!!
I appreciate your inspiration and encouragement Maurice Vaughan and the Stage 32 creative community!!
Complete my application to graduate school (M.F.A. in screenwriting), start said program, continue writing and producing episodes of ‘Jesus and Spot,’ continue researching/start writing non-fiction book on suicide, continue writing scripts. Maybe some pitching, maybe not.
Maurice, I not only aim to finish the three scripts I'm working on by mid-2022, I want to start four more next year...and step up my efforts to network with industry people.
All the VERY BEST to you for next year and beyond...so glad you're on Stage 32!
Cool, Frank. What genre is the Tenochtitlan project? I think I've seen Christopher Guest in some movies. Probably years ago. I'll keep the community posted about my progress. You do the same.
Maurice I can write very quick. I’ll also be helping 1,000 usa filmmakers with funding for $50k-$400k with my team, and internationally help producers raise capital and develop pitch deck for investors, and production firms.
Thanks Maurice Vaughan for this question :) Personally, my first goal is to complete between january and february 2 scripts that I'd like to pitch to different directors. Other and bigger goal is to work more with advertising so I can get enough cash and experience in order to join Stage32 writers room :) :) Wish to you a merry xmas !
It's a pleasure, Maurice! I'm not tied to any particular genre, though I'm focusing currently on book adaptations, My main project currently is a television adaptation of the Harry Potter novels, hence HBO Max. I sort of have this dream of being Hollywood's go-to writer for adaptations lol.
I had a manager years ago, DeVaughn. I can't remember how I met him, but I think I got signed because he saw my drive as a writer and he liked my scripts. I suggest building a great portfolio of scripts as your first step. You can also search the Stage 32 blogs for more advice on finding representation. There are a ton of them.
Hey Maurice Vaughan thanks for asking, I don't have a specific genre I write in but currently I have a rom-com, a holiday drama, and an action drama I feeel pretty confident about.
(1) Continuing on Sin 13 (see https://facet.tv/episodes/sin-13-episode-101 for trailer and episode 1), episodes 2 though 5, hoping to shoot early spring; (2) Reviving a previous transmedia property, Vampyre P.I., which starred/will star Carrie Cain Sparks in her role as Tara LaFontaine; (3) Assembling the skeleton on a book entitled Navigating Production, based on the series of seminars I have been doing, and focusing on the entire process from development through marketing. As meat goes on those bones, it appears this will have to be a multi-volume work.
My goal is to get a secretary, sounds a simple statement but it’s not. I can write content 24/7 which is okay if sponsor/producer exports themselves to various platforms but with my own projects I struggle with technical execution. At one stage I had a secretary on zoom but it just wasn’t the same as the days of elbows on the table together. Life is odd, I take bull by the horns with people on set yet my fifteen year old niece can juggle apps I fear to tread. Seasons greetings @All!
To write some feature scripts, instead of mucking around writing pilot scripts that - no matter how much I enjoy the process - aren't really going to lead to anything.
I'll try to get my TV Pilot (proofread of rewrite finished an hour ago) made. I booked some pitches, but probably I'll need to learn how to make contact to indy producers.
I'm planning on spending January wrapping up the WiP pilot scripts I've started but not finished, and then switching over to writing features.
I've got five horror scripts sketched out to some extent, and thanks to CJ Walley and Script Revolution, I picked up a year's sub to Prewrite on the cheap to help me outline them.
2022 goals - shoot the short 'Resilience', (https://www.stage32.com/profile/847545/Screenplay/Resilience) and then plan for POC of my feature script to a short, and then pitch my feature script along both of these shorts to make the feature film, lets C hw far I can go ... but its a gr8 question as it enable us to write it down some where which defly help us in making our minds first and then rest will be just details :)
I plan on soaking up every bit of advice that could lead me to a manager. And this site with all its patrons makes my plan so much easier. Almost a foolproof plan, yep, foolproof, good job I'm a fool.
I was planning on switching from the screenwriter tribe to the indie filmmaker tribe but I realize that screenwriting is in my blood (so is filmmaking). I've decided not to teach screenwriting/DSLR filmmaking any more but at my age, I may concentrate on creating a memorable, commercial producible script. That's my new year resolution - we'll see how it works out.
I have a list of projects in various forms of progress that I want to finish in the New Year (looking over the list, currently 4 projects), as well as providing feedback for other screenwriters. Really network further more than I do now!
Just gonna keep the momentum going, Lord willing! I've got my iron in 3 different fires right now. Have a pitch meeting scheduled next month with a manager/producer orchestrated after submitting to one of the Stage 32 pitch sessions (shout out to Stage 32 script services) and have 2 other scripts that are ramping up with financing, distribution and/or LOIs in place. And of course always working on some sort of spec project to keep the projects flowin'. And feed my kids once in awhile.
They say it takes 5-10 years to get anywhere in this patience-requiring business and I think that's true. I graduated with my MFA in scriptwriting 6 years ago and have been building my portfolio and network ever since (while maintaining gainful income bwahaha). It's starting to pay off. Also 22 is my lucky number soooo welcome, 2022!!!
Returning to my current writing project. I took a two week mind and body cleanse during the holidays. Network more in the LA area where I just moved to be closer to the action. And work at selling my two specs, I just know some producer will love them. After that, keep writing more stored ideas.
My goal is simple - sell or realize some of my screenplays. Last year I made my directorial debut with "Night at the milonga". It won 5 awards and more than 20 selections. For this year I hope I will find a financial backup or just sell some scripts. Although my last ear experience is not so good. I made a few pitches for one of my projects, but always something missing. I dont know what. I took into consideration all the feedback and rewrite the story several times and yet no interest from exects. <br></p><p>Im starting to wonder if the producers and other people with money know exactly what they want. I mean there are so many films out there that look ridiculous - bad acting, bad directing, bad story (or similar plots - basically rip each other off), bad cinematography, and so on, and yet have been produced.
I know my projects are not Oscar-winning level, but come on. When I compare it to some of the films released recently, mine is way better.
Anyway, I keep on doing what I do and hope to sell some screenplays soon.
Hi Maurice! Finishing 2 feature scripts, and attempting my first TV pilot are my immediate ambitions. Throughout 2022, I'll be pitching to execs (have one scheduled for Sunday, lol) and honing my writing skills further with a few webinars I've got my eyes on.
My plans are to continue to grow my novel catalogue and continue to build my portfolio and credibility as a screenwriter. Ultimately I'd like to swap from part-time writer to full-time.
Hi Maurice! Planning to take some more classes and webinars, keep improving my script "Star Dancer", and take my character back stories from rough sketches to full stories. I have a series arc in my head now... How about you?
Hi Tasha, no it's not a remake. It's an original story which blends sci/fi and dance in a way not seen before. It's an action/adventure tale where 'Guardians of the Galaxy' meets 'Strictly Ballroom'. Cheers and best wishes for 2022. Ingrid
Interesting concept Ingrid. The version that I was referring to was a national search for the lead. They held a contest at my job at that time. Hyatt Coral Gables, Florida. I came in first place.
I plan to rewrite a comedy screenplay again after I've gotten some screenplay since I'm planning to shoot the film soon and I hope to secure funding.
At the same time I need to write a short thriller which is kind of a prequel and proof of concept film to a feature film that I've already written and am trying to secure funding for, so I want to shoot the short.
Also I just started working with a good friend of mine with whom I work with a lot and we're collaborating to write a screenplay for a sci fi thriller. But it's still early.
I'd like to take some screenwriting classes since writing is hard for me but currently not very financially reachable unfortunately.
Screenwriting classes are helpful, Vital, but if you can't afford them, you can become better at screenwriting by reading scripts, reading screenwriting articles, and reading the screenwriting Stage 32 blogs.
Those are great goals, Rebecca. I can relate to all of the things you put in your comment. Congrats on not being afraid to submit your scripts (two scripts this year!).
Hopefully get into the Writers Guild Veteran writing mentor program. I got to the interview part last year but wasnt admitted. I also plan on finishing a drama script "I am Ra" and hopefully begin filming it in Texas. Its a low budget feature with an incredible true story. Also hope to finish "Incarnate: Quantum War" the prequel to a script I completed already "Incarnate" which is a series of feature scripts about a reincarnating warrior fighting across time.
Get my short film script to a good place so I can start looking for funding and making it myself, complete the first draft of my fantasy feature, and get back to rewriting my adventure feature.
I hope to see the 4 webisodes I was hired to write produced. I've already written 2 of them with the other 2 scheduled to be delivered by the end of this month. Also, I really just want to finish my novel.
Finish Jason Bourne the musical. Only kidding but that would be cool. Planning to do 2-3 more scripts and would love to pick up some writing assignments or get represented.
I'm just trying to get something done for one of these cool contests in time, between all the work I've created from networking here. I Love this Site! Lower Prices on Contests, if they arent giving free advice then charge for that, but its a small network of people with a chance, then adding a cost that is like.. $70, on something possibly worth $100 millions. To the Clients using the Contest. Have THEM cover it. They'll say no.. we want this income paid for to us. See what I Mean. Whos profiting the most on the contest? They are walking away with at least a $100 Million idea or nada. It should be like only to verify the person having a bank account and not even a charge. I Love the Site.
Pete Whiting Not the worst idea in the world. A few years ago, I thought of making "The Matrix" into a musical (granted, I was running on about 2 1/2 hours of sleep that day). I even knew what the song for the climactic fight scene was going to be: a rendition of "Mr. Roboto" by STYX. Lol
I love these musical ideas. I mean what do we have, seriously, Grease, Little Shop of Horrors, Greatest Showman and La La Land.
Eclectic group. These ideas are totally valid and could be great.
I would just write it up with Bourne or The Matrix in mind, but only as themes, not actually taking IP. Kung Fu Hustle's beginning works amazingly well, I'd love to make a movie like that with badass songs.
Maurice - I'm sure you know what DSLR filmmaking is. I assume you're asking the question to begin a long & involved 'training' discussion for the peanut gallery.
I originally wanted to write a screenplay a month, now I want to also perfect them, get as much feedback from as many people as possible, and somehow sell at least 1 haha
I didn't know what DSLR filmmaking was, Doug Nelson. I looked it up. For some reason, I thought it was something different. Haha I don't know much about filmmaking. I know a lot more about screenwriting.
Maurice - almost every film made today is shot digitally. You really need at least a basic understanding of how your script on paper gets to be a vision on the screen. It's true you don't need a complete understanding of blocking ('I, A or L'), camera angles, eye-lines, T stops, light color on & on & on. But you need a basic grasp.
This post popped up in my notifications. I had looked at my answer and guess I can provide an update since a year has gone by.
As for the webisodes, the scope of the project was drastically changed since I wrote the ones mentioned. But 3 episodes have now been produced. Additionally, a novel and comic series, both written by me, were also produced with the first chapter of the novel going live this week.
As for the novel I mentioned, I finished writing it, decided to break it into 3 books (due to length), edited the first 2 books of the 3 and am currently editing the third.
Overall, I'd say I accomplished a lot and lived up to these goals, even if in an alternative way to my original intentions.
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Writing goals for '22? To lay low; both the Univ & the local CC are trying to con me back into teaching screenwriting and DSLR film Production - I ain't gonna do that no more.
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Was it a bad experience teaching screenwriting and DSLR film Production at the university and local CC, Doug?
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Revamp a pilot, start a new screenplay, attend Cinestory TV retreat and secure management. Also applying to the Stowe Feature Campus Screenwriting Program and gearing up to pitch, pitch, pitch.
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I’m done with school but don’t say that lightly. Retrained from oil & gas secretary Norway to film director London & never looked back. Society is crippled by ageism and all sorts of other negative “isms.” We can all do it, anytime, anywhere, anyhow but need ignore negativity.
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Those sound like great writing goals, Mark Bowes. Success to you.
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You're right, Debbie Croysdale ("We can all do it, anytime, anywhere, anyhow but need ignore negativity.").
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Maurice, thank you for the question. It may sound strange in our uneasy time, but exactly this year I understood how much I love story-telling and writing as a part of this way to the audience. I want to take some re-write of my old stories - I stopped writing screenplays two years ago, just translating other writer's works, but after producing some short films by myself this year, I understood how strong I wish to write new stories - I understood that I really have something to tell....
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You're welcome, Alexander Kalinkin. I've done that (go back and rewrite old stories). How did the short films turn out?
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I’m currently looking for a literary agent, I’d like to get my first book published, I’m also writing my second book!
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Excellent goals, Guido Sánchez. You should consider adding a profile picture and a bio to your page. They will help you network.
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Maurice, thanks for mentioning my last works =) I mean short films we produced recently - they're doing great - just yesterday we received "Official Selection" award from one of film festivals - we're in active search for an animation studio to cooperate in production, and fundraising... oh, this part of story-telling has its own interesting, creative moments... =) Thank you, Maurice!
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Keep aiming at making the step up and go pro.
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Write, re-write etc...
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Great question. Maurice. Goal to write ✍️ another 10 stories, 10 major outlines, revise 5 , finish 3 feature scripts, and 3 short scripts.
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You're welcome, Alexander Kalinkin. Congrats on winning the award.
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Great goals, everyone.
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That's a lot of projects, Richard.
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How about yourself, Maurice? Any commercials or short stories in mind?
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I'm not sure what I'll be writing, Frank. I have some ideas and some unfinished scripts. Thanks for asking. What about you?
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What's Triple Crown, Paskael?
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I'll be doing a lot of pitching. Writing an animated series. Writing a space opera TV series.
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No problem, buddy. I'm 35 pages into a tv pilot about Tenochtitlan and roughly 20 into a Christopher Guest-esque comedy feature about the film festival experience. Keep us posted of your progress. Always a pleasure hearing from you.
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Sounds like a plan, Paskael.
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Maurice stay focused with a plan will always be key
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Great, Martin. Do you like writing TV more than features?
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I would say my television projects are further along Maurice Vaughan.
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I remember you gave me a note about my pitch deck, Martin. It was about shortening the number of synopsis pages. It was five pages. I cut it down to four today. Thanks for the note.
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Glad to help Maurice Vaughan
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Aim 2022 Is don’t pay any attention to personal issues, it robs time that could have been valuable on the page!
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Despite the fact that I was selling scripts, I applied for screenwriting training, which will last one year. I think I need to learn something new.
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Excellent advice, Debbie Croysdale.
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What training is it, Nadir?
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I'm with you, Sav.
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Now's the time to put it together!
Writing goals: conceive, develop, outline and complete writing at least two new feature specs (I'm starting the first one right now).
Webinars: continue watching and analyzing many of the videos from the Writers' Room Vault (finally getting some momentum here!) ...
continue submitting my two recent scripts for competitions, coverage reports, samples for assignments and pitches and gain connections and traction towards the long-term goals of inking a deal,
ultimately a script sale and moving into production and earning my WGA membership, it's a marathon and I'm moving forward every week!!
I appreciate your inspiration and encouragement Maurice Vaughan and the Stage 32 creative community!!
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I have a few scripts to finish. I have producers that will take a look. Then get started on a self funded feature. If I can.
Best to you, Daniel. I've checked out the Vault in the Writers' Room.
It's great when you have producers you know will look at your scripts, isn't it, Craig?
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Complete my application to graduate school (M.F.A. in screenwriting), start said program, continue writing and producing episodes of ‘Jesus and Spot,’ continue researching/start writing non-fiction book on suicide, continue writing scripts. Maybe some pitching, maybe not.
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Maurice, I not only aim to finish the three scripts I'm working on by mid-2022, I want to start four more next year...and step up my efforts to network with industry people.
All the VERY BEST to you for next year and beyond...so glad you're on Stage 32!
Those are some great goals, John. I hope they work out for you.
Seven scripts is a lot, Jim! I'm sure you can get them done. Thanks and same to you.
Cool, Frank. What genre is the Tenochtitlan project? I think I've seen Christopher Guest in some movies. Probably years ago. I'll keep the community posted about my progress. You do the same.
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Getting some marketable names attached to one of my projects.
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Oh yes Maurice, thanks for the good work you're doing for the Stage32 community, and all girls/guys from Stage32.Happy holidays!!!
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Another TV series in the works.
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Maurice I can write very quick. I’ll also be helping 1,000 usa filmmakers with funding for $50k-$400k with my team, and internationally help producers raise capital and develop pitch deck for investors, and production firms.
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Thanks Maurice Vaughan for this question :) Personally, my first goal is to complete between january and february 2 scripts that I'd like to pitch to different directors. Other and bigger goal is to work more with advertising so I can get enough cash and experience in order to join Stage32 writers room :) :) Wish to you a merry xmas !
Finis my goddam feature and rewrite TV pilot!
You're welcome, Rutger. Happy Holidays.
The Writers' Room is full of resources and opportunities, Ugo. You gotta check out the Vault.
Which projects are those, Evelyne? The projects from November Write Club?
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All of the above.
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My goal is two find representation and sell two feature scripts.
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What genres do you write/direct/produce, Vega?
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My goal is to find representation for my television show, as well as possibly (hopefully) sell the show to HBO Max.
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Nice to meet you, DeVaughn. What genres do you write?
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It's a pleasure, Maurice! I'm not tied to any particular genre, though I'm focusing currently on book adaptations, My main project currently is a television adaptation of the Harry Potter novels, hence HBO Max. I sort of have this dream of being Hollywood's go-to writer for adaptations lol.
Sounds like a great goal (being Hollywood's go-to writer for adaptations), DeVaughn. You're in the right community to learn screenwriting and network.
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I'm pretty new to this community, though I've been writing for a while now. Do you have any tips on finding representation?
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I had a manager years ago, DeVaughn. I can't remember how I met him, but I think I got signed because he saw my drive as a writer and he liked my scripts. I suggest building a great portfolio of scripts as your first step. You can also search the Stage 32 blogs for more advice on finding representation. There are a ton of them.
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Hey Maurice Vaughan thanks for asking, I don't have a specific genre I write in but currently I have a rom-com, a holiday drama, and an action drama I feeel pretty confident about.
Great to hear you feel confident about them, Vega. The Action/Drama sounds most interesting to me.
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Just finished the first script I've ever written. While I'm doing rewrites, I have to learn, how to turn it into fame and money.
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I want to learn how to make screenwriting. Besides, I want to adapt my own novel into a film script.
Congrats on finishing your first script, Volker.
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If you need any screenwriting advice, Shena, let me know.
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Thank you Maurice Vaughan . I will.
You're welcome, Shena.
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(1) Continuing on Sin 13 (see https://facet.tv/episodes/sin-13-episode-101 for trailer and episode 1), episodes 2 though 5, hoping to shoot early spring; (2) Reviving a previous transmedia property, Vampyre P.I., which starred/will star Carrie Cain Sparks in her role as Tara LaFontaine; (3) Assembling the skeleton on a book entitled Navigating Production, based on the series of seminars I have been doing, and focusing on the entire process from development through marketing. As meat goes on those bones, it appears this will have to be a multi-volume work.
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Plenty of great goals, Shadow! Best to you on them.
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My goal is to get a secretary, sounds a simple statement but it’s not. I can write content 24/7 which is okay if sponsor/producer exports themselves to various platforms but with my own projects I struggle with technical execution. At one stage I had a secretary on zoom but it just wasn’t the same as the days of elbows on the table together. Life is odd, I take bull by the horns with people on set yet my fifteen year old niece can juggle apps I fear to tread. Seasons greetings @All!
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You know what? I just changed my goal. I've decided that I wanted to be in the Success Stories of 2022! :D
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That's my new goal too, Evelyne!
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To write some feature scripts, instead of mucking around writing pilot scripts that - no matter how much I enjoy the process - aren't really going to lead to anything.
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Cool, John. What genres?
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I'll try to get my TV Pilot (proofread of rewrite finished an hour ago) made. I booked some pitches, but probably I'll need to learn how to make contact to indy producers.
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Congrats on finishing the script, Heinz. Did you book pitches on Stage 32 and/or other sites?
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Hi, Maurice Vaughan. Horror, mostly.
I'm planning on spending January wrapping up the WiP pilot scripts I've started but not finished, and then switching over to writing features.
I've got five horror scripts sketched out to some extent, and thanks to CJ Walley and Script Revolution, I picked up a year's sub to Prewrite on the cheap to help me outline them.
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@Maurice Just on Stage32 - this site is my Basecamp and I don't know many others, yet.
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2022 goals - shoot the short 'Resilience', (https://www.stage32.com/profile/847545/Screenplay/Resilience) and then plan for POC of my feature script to a short, and then pitch my feature script along both of these shorts to make the feature film, lets C hw far I can go ... but its a gr8 question as it enable us to write it down some where which defly help us in making our minds first and then rest will be just details :)
I might check out Prewrite for my next script, John.
I used a Stage 32 pitch session last month, Heinz. The producer gave great feedback.
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You're gonna have a lot on your plate, Ravi. Let us know how they go in 2022.
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I plan on soaking up every bit of advice that could lead me to a manager. And this site with all its patrons makes my plan so much easier. Almost a foolproof plan, yep, foolproof, good job I'm a fool.
Great plan, Gen.
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I was planning on switching from the screenwriter tribe to the indie filmmaker tribe but I realize that screenwriting is in my blood (so is filmmaking). I've decided not to teach screenwriting/DSLR filmmaking any more but at my age, I may concentrate on creating a memorable, commercial producible script. That's my new year resolution - we'll see how it works out.
I think you can do that, Colette. I might have to make that a goal. :)
I'm sure you'll do great, Doug.
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I want to submit all of my scripts in 2022, get an agent/manager, learn everything I can and put it to use!
Sounds great, Tim. Best to you on the goals.
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I have a list of projects in various forms of progress that I want to finish in the New Year (looking over the list, currently 4 projects), as well as providing feedback for other screenwriters. Really network further more than I do now!
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Cheering you (and everyone) on for those goals, James.
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I will finish my pilot and produce my audio drama. :)
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I've been so close to going pro but can't make that last step. Still trying to figure out how to make it happen.
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Great question and great replies, everybody!
Just gonna keep the momentum going, Lord willing! I've got my iron in 3 different fires right now. Have a pitch meeting scheduled next month with a manager/producer orchestrated after submitting to one of the Stage 32 pitch sessions (shout out to Stage 32 script services) and have 2 other scripts that are ramping up with financing, distribution and/or LOIs in place. And of course always working on some sort of spec project to keep the projects flowin'. And feed my kids once in awhile.
They say it takes 5-10 years to get anywhere in this patience-requiring business and I think that's true. I graduated with my MFA in scriptwriting 6 years ago and have been building my portfolio and network ever since (while maintaining gainful income bwahaha). It's starting to pay off. Also 22 is my lucky number soooo welcome, 2022!!!
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I'm hoping to finally get my YouTube show shot
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Cannon Rosenau, I got a couple of years of Community College
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Cheering you all on. Thanks for sharing your goals. Push toward your goals, and Happy New Year.
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lol Robert, I guess I'm just bougie like that with my internet MFA ;)
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Returning to my current writing project. I took a two week mind and body cleanse during the holidays. Network more in the LA area where I just moved to be closer to the action. And work at selling my two specs, I just know some producer will love them. After that, keep writing more stored ideas.
Thanks for sharing your goals, Clayton. Cheering you on. How is L.A. so far?
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Love LA very much. So much here for me to do and to enjoy as well as the creative vibe here in LA.
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Welcome welcome, Clayton!
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Thanks Angela and Maurice, for your support.
You're welcome, Clayton. What is your favorite thing about L.A. so far?
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Paramount, Universal, Disney, Warner Bros. and all of the other film studios that are around the corner now. It's my #1 thing I love about LA.
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Absolutely focused on writing and pitching this year. Plan to read, Save the Cat TV Series book.
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@rebecca Do it before writing, that book is awesome. I read it in December in parallel to a pilot rewrite and it helped me a lot.
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My goal is simple: get some screenplays optioned or sold. Make the big money, swing for the fences. That sort of thing.
I've read the first "Save the Cat" book, Rebecca, but I haven't heard of that one.
I figured that would be your favorite thing in L.A., Clayton.
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My goal is simple - sell or realize some of my screenplays. Last year I made my directorial debut with "Night at the milonga". It won 5 awards and more than 20 selections. For this year I hope I will find a financial backup or just sell some scripts. Although my last ear experience is not so good. I made a few pitches for one of my projects, but always something missing. I dont know what. I took into consideration all the feedback and rewrite the story several times and yet no interest from exects. <br></p><p>Im starting to wonder if the producers and other people with money know exactly what they want. I mean there are so many films out there that look ridiculous - bad acting, bad directing, bad story (or similar plots - basically rip each other off), bad cinematography, and so on, and yet have been produced.
I know my projects are not Oscar-winning level, but come on. When I compare it to some of the films released recently, mine is way better.
Anyway, I keep on doing what I do and hope to sell some screenplays soon.
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Hi Maurice! Finishing 2 feature scripts, and attempting my first TV pilot are my immediate ambitions. Throughout 2022, I'll be pitching to execs (have one scheduled for Sunday, lol) and honing my writing skills further with a few webinars I've got my eyes on.
Congrats on directing your first film, Svetlin. It can be frustrating, but keep pushing. Happy New Year.
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Thanks for sharing, John. Are any of those projects from November Write Club Challenge? Let us know how the pitch session goes.
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Thanks for sharing, everyone.
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No, this is a horror script I wrote a while back , did the re-writes, and it's ready to pitch.
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My plans are to continue to grow my novel catalogue and continue to build my portfolio and credibility as a screenwriter. Ultimately I'd like to swap from part-time writer to full-time.
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Finish my script for my Horror Film.
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I am now planning to take lots of Stage 32 webinars and classes! Really liked the customized recommendations - thanks!
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I've had several writing projects on my desk over the years, my goal is to getting one of them off my desk and into a production stage...!
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Hi Maurice! Planning to take some more classes and webinars, keep improving my script "Star Dancer", and take my character back stories from rough sketches to full stories. I have a series arc in my head now... How about you?
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Oh, I'll add something else to my goal! Get repped!
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Star Dancer is that a remake. I was a finalist for another version of the movie sometime ago.
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Hi Tasha, no it's not a remake. It's an original story which blends sci/fi and dance in a way not seen before. It's an action/adventure tale where 'Guardians of the Galaxy' meets 'Strictly Ballroom'. Cheers and best wishes for 2022. Ingrid
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Interesting concept Ingrid. The version that I was referring to was a national search for the lead. They held a contest at my job at that time. Hyatt Coral Gables, Florida. I came in first place.
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Wow! And congrats. Did it get made?
I'm doing fine, Ingrid. Working on a script. How are you?
Some people mentioned webinars. I took a webinar by Shane Stanley. It's the best one I've taken on Stage 32. https://www.stage32.com/webinars/How-to-Write-Your-Script-for-Budget-and...
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I was able to find Bigfoot sounds on Amazon
They really do have everything
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Well mine are simple as far as writing goes.
I plan to rewrite a comedy screenplay again after I've gotten some screenplay since I'm planning to shoot the film soon and I hope to secure funding.
At the same time I need to write a short thriller which is kind of a prequel and proof of concept film to a feature film that I've already written and am trying to secure funding for, so I want to shoot the short.
Also I just started working with a good friend of mine with whom I work with a lot and we're collaborating to write a screenplay for a sci fi thriller. But it's still early.
I'd like to take some screenwriting classes since writing is hard for me but currently not very financially reachable unfortunately.
How about you Maurice Vaughan what are you up to?
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What's up Maurice, I always like to write at least one screenplay a year, going to start near this summer
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Screenwriting classes are helpful, Vital, but if you can't afford them, you can become better at screenwriting by reading scripts, reading screenwriting articles, and reading the screenwriting Stage 32 blogs.
I'm working on two feature script jobs.
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Those are great goals, Rebecca. I can relate to all of the things you put in your comment. Congrats on not being afraid to submit your scripts (two scripts this year!).
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Hopefully get into the Writers Guild Veteran writing mentor program. I got to the interview part last year but wasnt admitted. I also plan on finishing a drama script "I am Ra" and hopefully begin filming it in Texas. Its a low budget feature with an incredible true story. Also hope to finish "Incarnate: Quantum War" the prequel to a script I completed already "Incarnate" which is a series of feature scripts about a reincarnating warrior fighting across time.
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Get my short film script to a good place so I can start looking for funding and making it myself, complete the first draft of my fantasy feature, and get back to rewriting my adventure feature.
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I hope to see the 4 webisodes I was hired to write produced. I've already written 2 of them with the other 2 scheduled to be delivered by the end of this month. Also, I really just want to finish my novel.
I haven't heard of that program, Robert. Hope you get in this year.
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Great, Erik. What genre is your short screenplay?
Cool, Terrence. I see your posts about your webisodes in the lounges.
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Maurice Vaughan Fantasy Dramedy
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Finish Jason Bourne the musical. Only kidding but that would be cool. Planning to do 2-3 more scripts and would love to pick up some writing assignments or get represented.
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I'm just trying to get something done for one of these cool contests in time, between all the work I've created from networking here. I Love this Site! Lower Prices on Contests, if they arent giving free advice then charge for that, but its a small network of people with a chance, then adding a cost that is like.. $70, on something possibly worth $100 millions. To the Clients using the Contest. Have THEM cover it. They'll say no.. we want this income paid for to us. See what I Mean. Whos profiting the most on the contest? They are walking away with at least a $100 Million idea or nada. It should be like only to verify the person having a bank account and not even a charge. I Love the Site.
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Great to see so many writers full of drive and determination working on their projects. Happy writing to you all. And here if I can be of any support.
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Pete Whiting Not the worst idea in the world. A few years ago, I thought of making "The Matrix" into a musical (granted, I was running on about 2 1/2 hours of sleep that day). I even knew what the song for the climactic fight scene was going to be: a rendition of "Mr. Roboto" by STYX. Lol
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I love these musical ideas. I mean what do we have, seriously, Grease, Little Shop of Horrors, Greatest Showman and La La Land.
Eclectic group. These ideas are totally valid and could be great.
I would just write it up with Bourne or The Matrix in mind, but only as themes, not actually taking IP. Kung Fu Hustle's beginning works amazingly well, I'd love to make a movie like that with badass songs.
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Hi Maurice. I've attended three webinars this year. My goal is to be more prolific in 2022
I think a "Bourne Identity" musical and a "Matrix" musical would be entertaining.
Please keep us updated on your short film, Erik. I'm interested in seeing it.
What genre contest are you going to enter, David Ramey Gordon?
Which webinars were they, Paul DeLesDerniers?
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They were, how to write a pitch dec, how to write to budget, and how to write a comedy for streaming. .
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I want to finish this second draft of our screenplay and move on. Second drafts are harder than I thought.
I'm getting roped (kicking & screaming) back into teaching Screenwriting and DSLR Filmmaking once more - around and 'round we go once again.
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Were those webinars on Stage 32, Paul DeLesDerniers?
Are you working with a writing partner, Eric Sollars?
What's DSLR filmmaking, Doug Nelson?
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I write with my two brothers. We have written occasionally with our children and grandchildren.
That's cool, Eric Sollars. What genre is the script?
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This one is an action-adventure script. It deals with the Notre Dame Paris fire.
Maurice - I'm sure you know what DSLR filmmaking is. I assume you're asking the question to begin a long & involved 'training' discussion for the peanut gallery.
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I originally wanted to write a screenplay a month, now I want to also perfect them, get as much feedback from as many people as possible, and somehow sell at least 1 haha
I didn't know what DSLR filmmaking was, Doug Nelson. I looked it up. For some reason, I thought it was something different. Haha I don't know much about filmmaking. I know a lot more about screenwriting.
How long does it normally take you to write and rewrite a script, Jessica Gulmire? What genres are your favorite to write?
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Yes, they were all stage 32 webinars.
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Maurice - almost every film made today is shot digitally. You really need at least a basic understanding of how your script on paper gets to be a vision on the screen. It's true you don't need a complete understanding of blocking ('I, A or L'), camera angles, eye-lines, T stops, light color on & on & on. But you need a basic grasp.
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Thanks for the tip, Doug Nelson. You're right.
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There's a new Netflix webinar coming up, Paul DeLesDerniers. It's free. https://www.stage32.com/webinars/Netflix-%20-Stage-32-Present-Sci-Fi-wit...
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That sounds like an interesting script, Eric Sollars.
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This post popped up in my notifications. I had looked at my answer and guess I can provide an update since a year has gone by.
As for the webisodes, the scope of the project was drastically changed since I wrote the ones mentioned. But 3 episodes have now been produced. Additionally, a novel and comic series, both written by me, were also produced with the first chapter of the novel going live this week.
As for the novel I mentioned, I finished writing it, decided to break it into 3 books (due to length), edited the first 2 books of the 3 and am currently editing the third.
Overall, I'd say I accomplished a lot and lived up to these goals, even if in an alternative way to my original intentions.
Congratulations on all the process and accomplishments since this post went up, Terrence and everyone!!!!