My screenplay, "Up There", a modern riff on the good old "alien visitor teaches humans to be a bit more... human", made it to the quarterfinals for Stage 32's first-ever Family-Friendly Screenwriting Contest! I want to thank the Stage 32 team for reaching out to me with the news. I'm so proud of this story and I'm proud it's in great company with many other scripts. I'm hoping this underdog story about a girl, her father, and a robot dog make it all the way to the finals!
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Awesome work, Eljohn! Keep persevering in your craft!
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Congrats, Eljohn Macaranas. I enjoy underdog stories.
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Great work Eljohn, we're so happy to have you in the Stage 32 writing community!
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Congratulations on your huge accomplishment!
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Hey Eljohn Macaranas! I was so thrilled to be able to send you the surprise email. You definitely earned it.
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Really really great news, Eljohn, Congratulations to you!
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Well done.