Screenwriting : Trying this out by Michael Amodeo

Michael Amodeo

Trying this out

I graduated from university over a year ago with a bachelors degree in film and video, concentration in screenwriting. I'm still at my college part time job because every job application I've sent in has been rejected. I tried going to UCLA or Chapman and got rejected from both too. At this point I really don't know what to do. I've had some really bad life circumstances; I've lost almost all my friends, my dad and dog both passed away. I've kind of just given up but I need help getting back into life. I haven't touched a script in a while either. I'm trying to get a film job but it just seems like no matter how hard I try or what I do, I'm destined to fail. I guess this is plea for help to try and improve my life.

Wendy Weising

You must be in so much pain and grief. I’m sorry about that. You may need to work outside the film world while you regroup and mourn your loss. Save money, pay off debts. You will make connections here that could help you. I will put you in my network and will be praying for you. Don’t panic if it takes time. You’ll get there.

Geoff Hall

Michael Amodeo Hi Michael, it’s good to see you on Stage 32. We are really sorry to hear about your traumas. Take time to heal and don’t pressure yourself into having to write, but let your experiences feed in to your future writings; it will give depth to your characters.

On the jobs front, check out the Stage32 jobs page and also put yourself about a bit with this community and make friends and find those who can help you mature as a writer.

I wish you every good.

Sille Larsen

Michael Amodeo - So sad to hear about all your losses! - There are actually plenty of things you can do! I would recommend you to look at our education and our job portal. And try to make a LinkedIn profile, a lot of jobs are posted there as well! - Or simply reach out to your fellows in here whom I´m sure will be able to help you! - Btw read this blog by Kay Ross

Dan MaxXx

If you havent researched (your college teachers shouldve told you) more current industry ppl are quitting because salaries across the board for staff/assistant positions are crap.

Unless you know a tech trade like VFX software or Post-production skills- you can make good steady income; and you're working with peers making movies & TV shows for a living and building your own network/circle.

I'd suggest you get a steady job that pays enough so you can continue writing at your pace. Doesn't have to be "industry related." And it doesn't have to be now, or next year, or this decade. Personally, I know two writers who "broke in" after age 40. Lawyer and Journalist. They write full-time for studios/tv networks.

The "broke artist" lifestyle isn't all that. Good Luck!

David Pirinelli

Best of luck going forward. You might try freelance PA work in local market to get a foot in the door. Hard work is rewarded

Deb Rodriguez-Castinado

So sorry for your losses writing 6 books while I lived in a homeless shelter with my 5 kids (their dad was a cop who began having ptsd or something which prevented him from working for years) is earning me about $4000 a month on top of my “day job” as a delivery driver my advice? Get up at 4 am with coffee and write like your life depends on it. Writing saved me

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry for your losses, Michael Amodeo. Everyone has given great advice. My advice is to build relationships in the industry (Stage 32 is one of the great places to build relationships). This will help you get film jobs and pitch your scripts. One way to build relationships on Stage 32 is by mingling in the lounges. Hope things get better for you and you find success on here (and throughout the industry).

Edmund Lloyd

"Hard work is rewarded"… In film production? Have you actually worked in film? Freelance PAs rarely move up unless they’re very lucky and at the right place at the right time. I worked as a PA for years, small films to large, and worked VERY hard, and never really got anywhere. I got accolades all the time, was constantly told what a great job I did or was doing, and would never heard from those people again, and they never recommended me to anyone.

Doug Nelson

It sounds to me like you're a victim of the union chock hold on the industry.

Roberta M Roy

I'd try some part-time work as a waiter just to get out and interacting and take it from there.

Mike Kalvoda

Michael, the first step is to find happiness every day. That can mean little things, little steps. (i.e., What's a movie you've always wanted to see, but never gotten around to viewing?) When you fall back in love with yourself, you rediscover what you love to do -- and align yourself with those who share those passions. Life moves forward again from there.

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"


The reality of life is unless you have a trust fund or can live with your folks, you have to produce income to sustain living in an urban society. When I was younger, it was much easier to secure work, and I can't imagine what young people are going through right now to navigate their way in the world. I worked at a full-time aerospace job, went to school at night for years, and worked in several original LA Rock bands that played clubs and sought elusive record deals.

When you decide there's nowhere to go but up, you may wish to consider a written plan defining your goals and a system to measure your progress. If you want to be in entertainment, you're competing with many others who wish to do the same thing, so you may have to do an internship or work with other filmmakers for little or no money. And, if you don't want to live in your car (If you're lucky enough to have one), you may wish to consider looking for work where your current skills are transferable. Start reading free trade ads like Infolist and craigslist.

You have two choices:

1) Take action to improve your situation and recognize it will be a struggle.

2) Do nothing and face uncertain consequences.

Helen Howard

I’m out of highs with a diploma. I’ve been writing for 2 years now, and I’ve got a lot of books already. I’ve published 2 of them and I’m super excited at where this is taking me. I also write songs and I’d like to sell them but I’m not entirely sure yet

Jamaal Richards

Hi Michael. I'm really sorry to hear about your losses and hardship you're going through right now. I hope that you will continue to be patient and carry on persevering. I would say one thing. I can tell by the efforts you've put into it that you love this craft, so as suggested by others here, you should immerse yourself in it and get whatever work you can in the meantime to make ends meet. Just imagine how many stories you can tell during that time. I hope you'll soon be looking back on this thinking how grateful you are for the journey to your success. We all hope to see you there, mate.

John Roane

Michael, don't give up, I'm 81 and just don't have the time to do so. These are rough times. No one is making it big, unless you win the lotto, and the odds are 300 million to one against you. Relax and take a breath. I understand about losing your dog. I have five chihuahuas, and if anything happened any of them, it would be a rough time at my house. I lost a beagle a few years back. A veterinarian told me this. We live longer than I dogs do. They give us their unquestioning affection and we love them back. We can take care of them for their entire lives, love and play with them when they are young and attend to their needs when they get old. Sometimes to prevent suffering, we help them pass on. Wouldn't it wonderful if we could always be sure someone would do that for us.

Maurice Vaughan

Sorry about your beagle, John.

Roberta M Roy

John, if you are going to talk about death as an answer, I would always link it with mention of the 988 suicide hotline. And talking about options that might lead others to feel more positive.

Matthew Parvin

First off, you are not alone, Michael. Believe me, I know how dark things can get. The struggle is real, and sometimes you feel like all you've got are dreams. Been there, man. But it isn't all you have. You are a person of value and there are people in your life, whether you know it or feel it, that need you. They want you around. You are not destined for failure. It took me until 42 to show someone my work. I spent since I was 11 believing I was a failure, a phony and a loser. You don't have to get a job or break in somewhere for you to have value. You already do. Don't put all of your hope for something better into a job or a "big break". You're worth so much more than that.

David Cotterill

Hi, just wanted to chime in as someone who's been through therapy and it's totally fine to feel like the way you are right now. The book that my therapist used was by David Burns, who has a long career in therapy. I personally liked "When Panic Attacks", but he has a more recent book called "Feeling Great". I'd also recommend the audiobooks if you have the spare money, mainly because you can just put it on your phone while you're going for a walk or a drive around.

Rosemond Perdue

Michael, it sounds like you are having a really hard time. I'm so sorry. The losses you have faced are so difficult and painful. First, know you are not alone. Thank you for letting us know. This hard time won't last and these feelings will go away. If you didn't feel down after all you've been through recently you wouldn't be human. How can we help you? You've got this and it will pass. We are with you :)

John Roane


Thank you for the condolences. That was a number of years ago. I had many dogs in my family since and have loved and cared for them. I am also a cat person. though with five chihuahuas, I will have to work on the cat acquisition. Animals are a responsibility. I believe if you can't care for them, you don't need to have them. And that would be for domesticated pets. I have a problem with the whole exotic animal industry. They need to be protected and left alone to live the lives for which they were intended. And as an answer to Roberta, suicide is not the subject. Animals don't understand pain and suffering. If one has a pet, it's an obligation to help them any way we can. As for us humans, you're moving into the area of bioethics, but if you've seen anyone dying of Huntington's disease, Lou Gehrig's disease, and a host of others that involve a vast amount of terminal suffering, the question of assistance constantly arises. Having a bad day at Walmart is not a reason for making an exit. But back to writing. The novel business is the most chaotic, unorganized circus on the planet. Making sense of it is impossible. I just write and ignore the turmoil. I do other things while concentrating on the development of my craft. In the words of Kevin Costner, build it and they will come. In other words, write a good novel and someone, preferably lots of someones, will want to read it. The writing business is like going to war. Been there and done that (two of them). After combat, trying to publish a novel is, one needs a bit of R and R. Take a break, Michael. Storms always end and the sun comes out. I apologize for going off on a tangent. As Mr. Spock said, go forth and prosper.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, John. I agree with what you said about exotic animals.

I saw something today about Stephen King and the publishing industry (a possible merger between two of the five largest U.S. publishers).

Robert Russo

Youre not a failure. This is a part of life. People take losses and they go through "the valley" so to speak. This too shall pass. Live in the moment and one day at a time. Youre a young man. Process your losses, accept where you are, make the most of where you are, and eventually your time will come.

Anisha Bus

do not panic, everything will be fine.

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