Stage 32's founder and leader, Richard "RB" Botto, is a makers & shakers AWARDS finalist for the Shaker of the Year!
Stage 32's founder and leader, Richard "RB" Botto, is a makers & shakers AWARDS finalist for the Shaker of the Year!
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All finalists are cool humane -ongoing -projects. Kudos.
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You're right, Rutger Oosterhoff. It's tough competition, but I think RB has it in the bag. :D
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Richard read my Post .. it is to give STAGE 32 a Miracle Dear STAGE 32 and all the Members ...it's Time STAGE 32 creates a STAGE 32 TV SERIES Yes STAGE 32 TV...... I have projects that will help CREATE the NEW TV STAGE 32 TV Station..... THE MISFIT SHOP ... THE BIG BREAK .. and many many more ....and I will share the HISTORIC DETAILS once STAGE 32 Respects ..my Invention to help EVERYONE on STAGE 32 have MIRACLES be BORN,,,, YES .. YOU also have Projects to be on STAGE 32 TV this is my XMAS Gift To Humanity to inspire you to get STAGE 32 to a Historic TV STATION.. so the STAGE 32 FAMILY Works Together to Create history and Yes $$$$$$$$$$$$ For EVERYONE and JOY of having their DREAMS BE BORN by the DREAM WEAVER Richard "RB" Botto IIII ON STAGE 32 TV EVOLUTION TIME >> !!! Yes this is what THANKS GIVING is INSPIRE the STAGE 32 FAMILY !!!!!!!!!!! and yes this is the XMAS GIFT to ALL OF YOU SOON RICHARD "RB" BOTTO will be SANTA CLAUS FOR YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With STAGE 32 TV .. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Pulling for you, RB.
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Congratulations this far in RB!
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Following the link:
"Error: Not found
Sorry, we could not locate the resource you are looking for, please check the URL."
The FULL list of finalists.
Thanks for sharing the link, Philo Kvetch. I think the link in my post is expired because that round of the makers & shakers AWARDS is over.