Introduce Yourself : Hello World! by Whitney Moore

Whitney Moore

Hello World!

Hi everybody!

My name is Whitney. I've been hanging around for a few months and I finally decided it was safe to come out of my hiding place. I'm an editor, screenwriter, and voice actor from North Carolina. I am working toward making my first short film this year. I'm currently outlining my first feature-length script and I hope to enter a film festival or screenwriting competition later this year or early next year.

My big dream is to be involved in big action movies. I am 100% not a cinema snob. If it's filmed in Black and White I probably have not seen it LOL. (I do like 8 1/2 though so...). Besides getting to see Jurassic Park in the theatres Barbenheimer is going to be the biggest event of my life. But honestly I love entertainment. I spent my high school years renting everything and going to see any movie I possibly could and I'm finally taking the leap and making it a part of my career.

In my spare time I like to debate whether or not this is a good idea or if I'm delusional.

I hope to make some new connections who can become sounding boards and maybe collaborators in the future.

Nice to meet you!

Jill Godley

Welcome to Stage 32, the people here are encouraging and informative. Enjoy this wonderful destination on your screenwriting journey.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Whitney! Nice to meet you. Glad you're here.

Maurice Vaughan

How was it watching "Jurassic Park" in theatres, Whitney Moore?

Alesha Escobar

Hello, Whitney! I’m hoping to learn and make connections as well.

Shanny Slay

Hey Whitney Girl!!!! Welcome!

Ugo Cavallo

Welcome to the big family :)

Sille Larsen

Welcome Whitney Moore, Looking forward to follow your work, and fingers crossed that you will be able to join a film festival this year! Remember Stage32 offers a lot of education that can help you to find a festival or a competitnen. If you have instagram, you can follow stage32, we post so much useful every day! - Happy to have you here!

Wendy Weising

Welcome, Whitney.

Richard M Kjeldgaard

Welcome to the Stage!!

Whitney Moore

Maurice Vaughan It was amazing. I didn't get to see it when it originally came out but it came back to theatres in my area after I was an adult but it was exactly as amazing as seeing it for the first time. It's my all-time favorite on any size screen though!

Whitney Moore

Thank you to everyone for your welcomes! I'm excited to be here.

Maurice Vaughan

What's your favorite scene in "Jurassic Park," Whitney Moore? I have two favorite scenes.

Nick Waters

Welcome to Stage 32! I totally hear ya on wanting to work on big action films. I love a good spectacle as well. I recommend checking out this really great webinar on writing big blockbuster films. I'm sure it will help with the script you're working on!

Whitney Moore

Maurice Vaughan Oooh that's a tough one. Malcolm's speech in the visitor's center at lunch is probably my favorite non-action scene and then my favorite action scene is when the T-Rex is chasing the Jeep. But I have to say that there's not one scene in Jurassic Park that I don't love. What are your favorites?

Maurice Vaughan

Cool, Whitney Moore. We share a favorite scene. The T-Rex chase. And my other favorite scene is the raptors in the kitchen scene.

Morne Patterson

Welcome Whitney Moore !

Wahayn Inello Clayton

Knock it out of the Park, Whitney!

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