Stage 32 is excited to welcome Suzanne Corso for her upcoming class. In this exclusive Stage 32 4-part class, you will learn how to approach your own semi-autobiographical novel - from the why of your story, to developing your characters, to the outlining and editing and revisions process and, finally, how to work with agents and publishers.
You will walk away from this course with the skillset you need to write your novel and have a solid start to your work with assignments catered to your specific piece. If you’re ready to write your novel based on any of your life's experiences, this class is a must!
PLUS! You’ll receive an exclusive copy of the first chapter of Suzanne’s best-selling novel BROOKLYN STORY and more!
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Looking forward to these classes! Exploring all the teachings of learning to write the truth and not to be afraid to express your feelings onto paper!!
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I didn't receive the zoom link for today's class (Dec. 1). Would appreciate it if someone could please send it to me. Thank you.
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Suzanne's first session was awesome. She is a great instructor.
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Hi Suzanne, You mentioned you would post your email to send you questions, but I don't see it anywhere? Could you get it to your students? With warm thanks, Ricki
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Hi Ricki, Just emailed you back!
Got it! Thanks. I am not sure the other writers in the class are aware of this lounge link, as in previous classes there has always been lots of postings from the students and the instructor. Do you think it is a good idea for you to remind everyone of the lounge link since it was sent out before the first class and people may have forgotten about it. Always fun to connect with the instructor and the fellow classmates in these private class lounges!