Hi all, My website is up and running, I would love it if anyone could take a look, and comment. It is here https://marcushowell.uk
Take a look around it and see what you think..
Hi all, My website is up and running, I would love it if anyone could take a look, and comment. It is here https://marcushowell.uk
Take a look around it and see what you think..
1 person likes this
I checked it out, very clean look. Nothing complicated, streamlined. No links were broken. If I had any suggestion at all, I'd take down the link to your actual script. though. The rest of that was spot on. Good job.
1 person likes this
P.S., I didn't actually read the sample script because there was no FADE IN. P.S.S. Hey I'm from Rochester NY !!!
1 person likes this
Quite well done! You give us just enough crumbs to pique our interest.
1 person likes this
Marcus Howell - some interesting stories!
1 person likes this
Looks great, Marcus Howell! Great tool to promote yourself
1 person likes this
it's clean, needs a bit more movement and about me stuff
my website is here: http://plyflynt.com and I help creative people with websites mostly via fiverr or on indie game dev teams I'm working on.
1 person likes this
This is a great website, Marcus Howell. Intriguing artwork and the homepage font really feels cool. I hope you have great success with this - it's terrific.
1 person likes this
I'm about to start my own web. took a look at yours, was easy to navigate ( important!). !
1 person likes this
You did a great job of selling. yourself. Perhaps an opening line of why you write what your write and why you're the person that has to tell that story or these types of stories. What makes you the expert and why your perspective is unique and why they'd want to read you.
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2 people like this
Briefly skimmed over the projects, and noticed the high level of detail provided and liked the outlines provided.
2 people like this
I reviewed it and I agree with David in that it was easy to navigate.
1 person likes this
it does not get more simple than this. I like that is not too busy and it looks like it is straight to the point in the context of what you want it to reflect and to offer .
1 person likes this
Marcus, great job on your site! Thanks for the link!
1 person likes this
Hello Sir, I think you have a great website there. But there is one part where the words are overlapping ( overlaid): Observations, Jottings and Recommendations section. The fist line: This is who… Kindly check that page. Thank you.
2 people like this
Has a nice clean and simple look, Marcus Howell.
2 people like this
Thank you all for your comments. I will look into that overlapping of text. I think it only occurs on a mobile. It is OK for a tablet or laptop.
2 people like this
You’re right. I opened it on my phone
looks great. Easy on the eyes