I'm excited to say I sent two of my scripts out to two producers and entered a script into the script pipeline contest. I will hear from them all after the holidays. This is about to be a long, nail-biting wait.
I'm excited to say I sent two of my scripts out to two producers and entered a script into the script pipeline contest. I will hear from them all after the holidays. This is about to be a long, nail-biting wait.
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That's great, Lakiesha Michelle! Hope you sell the scripts and the sales lead to opportunities (writing jobs, manager, agent, etc.)! And hope you win the contest! Happy Holidays to you and your family and an incredible new year!
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Happy Holiday and congrats.
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Thank you so much Maurice Vaughan I most certainly hope also, it's definitely a dream.
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Thank you so much @Asmaa Jamil
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You're welcome, Lakiesha Michelle.
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That's awesome, Lakiesha Michelle - wishing you huge success!!
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Yay! Very brave of you. You’re inspiring me too.
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Congratulations, you'll do great!
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Well done, Lakiesha Michelle! Going to check out your profile right now. All the best.
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Wendy Weising Awesome, I love to be an inspiration! That's goal also. to be an inspirational speaker .
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Thank you so much Karmin Mosley I appreciate the encouragement!
Robin Gregory Thanks. hope it'll be interesting.
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Bravo! Keep up the momentum!
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Congrats, Lakiesha Michelle. Great way to set the stage for a successful 2024.
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Wish you the best of luck Lakiesha Michelle and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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Happy Holidays and good luck on your scripts! Lakiesha Michelle
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Thanks so much everyone. This inspiration will keep ,me ,motivated for sure
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Congrats lovely lady--Joyous Holiday season to you!