I don't know how many of you have seen American Fiction, but I absolutely love this film. Cord Jefferson won an Academy Award for the best screenplay adaptation this year. He also is a first time director. It is such a smart, witty, amazingly scripted work. I took my son to see it because I knew it was going to be fantastic. You should all see it...I'm sure you will enjoy it as much as I did. Congratulations Cord Jefferson for your amazing work!!!
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Curt Samlaska I just spotted it in Amazon Prime, so I put it in my watchlist. :)
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2 people like this
Gotta see it. Thank you for the reminder, Curt Samlaska. It sounds like I could learn a lot from the script.
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I started reading the screenplay and was immediately impressed by how well written it is. Just absolutely perfect imho.
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A favorite from last year. Great fun!
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Saw recently, enjoyed 75%, the last 25-30 mins felt rushed & anti-climatic; also switch & bait marketing romance- the trailer suggests the two headline
actors will hook up. All the white characters were cartoonish. I got lost in the timeline. Seems plot condensed months into two-weeks. For example it looked like he wrote an entire book in one night, then published, then movie deal next day.
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LOL...you have some points Dan, I never even considered those aspects. I just loved the whole concept and how well written it was. It was a lot of fun for me, and the cartoonish characters were exactly the point. I heard somewhere that the inspiration for the script came from a piece of work he did for a producer. The producer wrote back to him that he liked what he did, but asked him if he could "make it blacker." Ah, the times we live in...
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I'm looking forward to watching "American Fiction" and reading the script, Curt Samlaska. I saw part of the trailer a little while back, so I'm gonna go into the movie and script knowing as little as possible, which I like.
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I agree with Dan MaxXx . It's a very good film/screenplay but it isn't brilliant/excellent
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I want to see this! It sounds amazing.