Hey, everyone. My name’s Maurice. I'm a screenwriter, ghostwriter, commercial writer, and pitch deck designer. I'm also a Stage 32 Lounge Moderator. And Batman. Haha
What’s something you’re looking forward to doing this spring?
Maurice Vaughan Hi Maurice, we had an old Leylandii hedge taken out of the front garden, so we are replanting a smaller hedge (field maple and guelder rose) to create a more manageable hedge.
Hi Maurice Vaughan! Thank you for always being such an engaged member and leader in this community! My favorite thing about the start of spring is Shamrock Shakes hahah, I know that's a litttttttle early, but it's spring in LA now, so I count it hahah
Always great to connect with you, Maurice Vaughan! The joy and inspiration of spring shine through in your post and photo. Hope you're doing great in all ways!
You're such a light in this community, Maurice Vaughan! I'm so thankful for the time that you give to helping members here on Stage 32 and how open you are to learning and growing as a creative yourself.
Hey Maurice Vaughan! I’m looking forward to more evening walks with my beloved (we’re about to go right now, in fact), fleshing out my new script and delving into things I’ve never done before. Always up for a new adventure!
That doesn't sound fun at all, E Langley. "Chasing kids off the frickin' lawn." That sounds like something Mr. Wilson from "Dennis the Menace" would do. :D
Sorry, E Langley. I didn't mean to disrespect your grandpaw Mr. Wilson. Haha
I'm looking forward to "Civil War" too. I saw a trailer a little while back, but I haven't seen any promo for it lately, which is strange since it's being released next month.
Hey Maurice Vaughan - It's a drama/fantasy piece taken from a recent short I wrote. Some network connections I made recently liked it and thought it would make a good larger piece so I'm developing it.
Thanks Maurice Vaughan! Initially, I thought it’d make a great limited series and it may still end up that way. I’ve just always been a feature guy so I’m going to go that route first to see how it goes.
I ashamed to say that I haven't seen Dune 2 yet Maurice Vaughan. Please don't tell anyone! : ) Also looking forward in the near term to Godzilla x Kong, Immaculate, Monkey Man, and Civil War.
No need to be ashamed, Nick Phillips. I haven't seen "Dune 2" either. Or "Dune."
I'm looking forward to "Godzilla x Kong," "Monkey Man," and "Civil War." I think I've heard of "Immaculate," but I'm not sure. Some of the other movies I'm looking forward to are "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice," "Deadpool & Wolverine," "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire," and "A Quiet Place: Day One."
Hey Maurice Vaughan and fellow esteemed colleagues, before I clean out my closet, the garage, and weed the garden, I must deliver my current WIP to Peter Briggs (Hellboy) for coverage. Then, revise and polish it, and deliver it to my new rep for packaging and submitting. Progress. Yay!
I guess the thing I'm looking forward to most this spring is my imminent move to Los Angeles. Exciting, but also terrifying! Am I ready for all my dreams to be crushed into a thin paste like those of millions before me? Yes! Yes I am! Oh, and longer days; I'm looking forward to those with great interest!
That's pretty cool that you're moving to LA, Stephen Notley. Stage 32 has LA meetups you might wanna join (www.stage32.com/meetups). Keep an eye on the Meetups Section for new meetups.
I'm looking forward to long walks, sunshine, and people watching at coffee shops. My best writing and creativity happens for me by holding the pen and keyboard loose and I can enjoy life along the way.
Haha! Maurice Vaughan Definition of a hedge: a fund whose manager makes millions betting that the subprime mortgage market will collapse while hanging out on a yacht. Or, a leafy wall that bunnies hide under.
People watching is a great way to think of stories and scenes, Tracy David Sim. Sometimes I do photo watching (I just made up that term). Photo watching is where I look at photos online and think of stories and scenes.
Photo watching is very interesting Maurice Vaughan. I love working with photos and digital art. Do you paint your photos with effects? Closer to home, I follow an artist who goes to coffee shops and public places and makes simple line drawings of what he sees. The results are quite charming. You can learn more about him here https://sneakyart.substack.com/about You're right about how the simplest interactions and observations are able to inspire a whole feature length script or series. Spring is the season for inspiration! Thank you for all you do here.
Bicycling on roads in the Santa Cruz mountains. Writing a comedy horror script titled "Mutant Kudzu Apocalypse!" And watching live streams of a rare double-brood co-emergence of cicadas in April or May. There's the potential for trillions of cicadas--perhaps even a cicadanado if the conditions are just right.
You're welcome, Tracy David Sim. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. I don't paint your photos with effects. I just look up photos online and use them to think of stories and scenes.
Maurice Vaughan Unlikely. The idea of spending a week with no real obligations (other than maybe dinner reservations and an excursion at a certain time) fills me with such longing! lol I'm so ready for a vacay!
I need a vacay too, Travis Seppala, but I suck at taking vacations. Haha I end up writing, networking, etc. I need to work on that. Hope you enjoy the vacation.
Maurice Vaughan It's simple: you see, you're the watchful protector of the Introduce Yourself Lounge, welcoming long time posters and new comers alike. The Hero the Lounge deserves, and also the one it needs right now. A Dark Knight, if you will.
Amanda Toney I've been more active and visit everyday and Maurice Vaughan is always giving great advice not only about getting around our beloved Stage32 but answers to all sorts of film and television production. Thanks to you too Amanda the house is a rockin!
Thanks for the shout-out, Pat Savage. Glad you've been more active on here. You're gonna see a big difference. My career took off when I started being active on here.
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Maurice Vaughan Hi Maurice, I'm looking forward to getting out in the garden and playing with my grandsons.
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That sounds great, Geoff Hall! What flowers do you grow in the spring?
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Hi Maurice, can't wait for spring
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Cool, Billy Kwack. Do you got anything planned?
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I am looking forward to seeing green trees and flowers blooming.
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I'm looking forward to those things too, Asmaa Jamil. What's your favorite flower?
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I do not have a favorite flower. I just like walking through my neighborhood and seeing all the various flowers.
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Maurice Vaughan Hi Maurice, we had an old Leylandii hedge taken out of the front garden, so we are replanting a smaller hedge (field maple and guelder rose) to create a more manageable hedge.
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I don't know a lot about gardening, Geoff Hall. What's a hedge?
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I don't think I have a favorite flower either, Asmaa Jamil. I really like the Honeysuckle. Our great grandma had a Honeysuckle bush.
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Hi Maurice, just writing and exercise
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Hi Maurice Vaughan! Thank you for always being such an engaged member and leader in this community! My favorite thing about the start of spring is Shamrock Shakes hahah, I know that's a litttttttle early, but it's spring in LA now, so I count it hahah
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Great, Billy Kwack. Me too. Are you going to any comic events this spring?
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You're welcome, Emily J. Thank you. I was thinking about getting a mint chocolate shake the other day. Haha
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Hi Maurice, I'm trying, I don't drive I have to depend on my friend Law to help me. He's been busy
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Always great to connect with you, Maurice Vaughan! The joy and inspiration of spring shine through in your post and photo. Hope you're doing great in all ways!
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Hope Law's doing great, Billy Kwack.
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Thanks, Sam Sokolow. I appreciate the kind words. Always great to connect with you as well. I'm doing great. Busy!
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Hey Maurice! Get some sleep ... lol
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Haha Lynn 'LA' Adams King. I will. How are you?
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Maurice Vaughan this was our Leylandii hedge at the rear of the house. It was about 25 feet high, but this guy reduced it to around 15 feet!
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Wow, Geoff Hall! 25 feet high! Are field maple and guelder rose only planted during the spring?
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Now that the time's changed everything is an hour better now! But really focusing on writing more!
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That's great, Sam Rivera! I'm looking forward to writing more too. I'm not sure if I've ever asked. What genres do you write?
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You're such a light in this community, Maurice Vaughan! I'm so thankful for the time that you give to helping members here on Stage 32 and how open you are to learning and growing as a creative yourself.
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:D Thank you, Ashley Renee Smith! That means a lot!
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Hi Maurice, Law is going to visit his daughters and their families. We have a convention 5 weeks away
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Starting filming season one of my new series!
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Cool, Pat Savage! What's your series about if you don't mind me asking?
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What kind of convention was it, Billy Kwack?
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ma guy!!!
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Hey Maurice Vaughan! I’m looking forward to more evening walks with my beloved (we’re about to go right now, in fact), fleshing out my new script and delving into things I’ve never done before. Always up for a new adventure!
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Raking the frickin' lawn. Mowing the frickin' lawn. Weed whacking the frickin' lawn. Chasing kids off the frickin' lawn.
Suffering debilitating Hay Fever from toxic levels of various pollens.
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A little hard to visualise as we've just entered autumn (fall)...and in a couple months I'll be raking endless leaves!!!
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Darwin Reina Darwin! How are you?
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Hey, Leonardo Ramirez. An evening walk sounds relaxing. What genre is your new script?
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That doesn't sound fun at all, E Langley. "Chasing kids off the frickin' lawn." That sounds like something Mr. Wilson from "Dennis the Menace" would do. :D
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A lot of leaves means big leave piles to jump on, Marina Albert. :)
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Hi Maurice, a small show called the route 110 show, all comics and toys
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Maurice! Great to see you again on Introduce Yourself. And as for being Batman, all I can I is, "I knew it!"
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Looking forward to making some awesome films!
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Hey Maurice! I'm looking forward to warmer weather, sunshine, and whatever movies are being released!
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Watch it, Vaughan. That's my grandpaw!
Looking forward to CIVIL WAR in April, Brian. It blew the audience's minds at the SXSW premiere, and other buzz has been phenomenal..
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Cool, Billy Kwack. That reminds me of a toy magazine I read growing up. It was called ToyFare.
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Great to see you again on IYW too, Brian Carlin. How did you know I'm Batman?
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I'm looking forward to watching those awesome films, Stephen Folker! Award-winning awesome films.
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What upcoming movies are you looking forward to, Brian Smith?
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Sorry, E Langley. I didn't mean to disrespect your grandpaw Mr. Wilson. Haha
I'm looking forward to "Civil War" too. I saw a trailer a little while back, but I haven't seen any promo for it lately, which is strange since it's being released next month.
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MV (and all), here's the new trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yi9pqNaVDYY
Incendiary. Wow! A prediction this is going to have great box office.
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Hey Maurice Vaughan - It's a drama/fantasy piece taken from a recent short I wrote. Some network connections I made recently liked it and thought it would make a good larger piece so I'm developing it.
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Thanks for the link, E Langley. Wow! Yeah, I think it's gonna be a box office hit.
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Sounds great, Leonardo Ramirez! Are you turning the short into a feature or series?
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Thanks Maurice Vaughan! Initially, I thought it’d make a great limited series and it may still end up that way. I’ve just always been a feature guy so I’m going to go that route first to see how it goes.
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I'm just happy that the sun is staying up later! Love this time of year! Also looking forward to seeing some new films as well, of course. : )
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Good question Maurice Vaughan
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You're welcome, Leonardo Ramirez. I think a feature is the right choice. I can see it being a limited series too.
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Thanks, Nick Phillips. Which films are you looking forward to seeing?
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I ashamed to say that I haven't seen Dune 2 yet Maurice Vaughan. Please don't tell anyone! : ) Also looking forward in the near term to Godzilla x Kong, Immaculate, Monkey Man, and Civil War.
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No need to be ashamed, Nick Phillips. I haven't seen "Dune 2" either. Or "Dune."
I'm looking forward to "Godzilla x Kong," "Monkey Man," and "Civil War." I think I've heard of "Immaculate," but I'm not sure. Some of the other movies I'm looking forward to are "Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice," "Deadpool & Wolverine," "Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire," and "A Quiet Place: Day One."
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Let's go Dune Pt2! I promised a friend I'd see it with her, and the delay is killing me.
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Hey Maurice Vaughan and fellow esteemed colleagues, before I clean out my closet, the garage, and weed the garden, I must deliver my current WIP to Peter Briggs (Hellboy) for coverage. Then, revise and polish it, and deliver it to my new rep for packaging and submitting. Progress. Yay!
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Hopefully it won't be much longer, Ian Milne.
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Spring cleaning! I forgot about that, Robin Gregory. Hope Peter Briggs and your new rep love your WIP! Congratulations on getting a rep!
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I guess the thing I'm looking forward to most this spring is my imminent move to Los Angeles. Exciting, but also terrifying! Am I ready for all my dreams to be crushed into a thin paste like those of millions before me? Yes! Yes I am! Oh, and longer days; I'm looking forward to those with great interest!
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Hi Maurice, toyfare magazine sounds familiar
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That's pretty cool that you're moving to LA, Stephen Notley. Stage 32 has LA meetups you might wanna join (www.stage32.com/meetups). Keep an eye on the Meetups Section for new meetups.
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Billy Kwack www.parrygamepreserve.com/media/magazines/toyfare/toyfare.php
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I'm looking forward to long walks, sunshine, and people watching at coffee shops. My best writing and creativity happens for me by holding the pen and keyboard loose and I can enjoy life along the way.
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Yeah I’m with you, Maurice Vaughan. I like the idea of making it a feature. Feels right!
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Hi Maurice, wow I haven't seen those magazines in a long time
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Haha! Maurice Vaughan Definition of a hedge: a fund whose manager makes millions betting that the subprime mortgage market will collapse while hanging out on a yacht. Or, a leafy wall that bunnies hide under.
Thanks for the congrats!
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People watching is a great way to think of stories and scenes, Tracy David Sim. Sometimes I do photo watching (I just made up that term). Photo watching is where I look at photos online and think of stories and scenes.
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Keep us posted on your script, Leonardo Ramirez. Please.
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I haven't seen those magazines in a long time either, Billy Kwack . I used to have the paperback copies.
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You're welcome, Robin Gregory. I feel like I could combine the two meanings of "hedge" and write a Comedy script.
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Of course, Maurice Vaughan. Will do.
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Photo watching is very interesting Maurice Vaughan. I love working with photos and digital art. Do you paint your photos with effects? Closer to home, I follow an artist who goes to coffee shops and public places and makes simple line drawings of what he sees. The results are quite charming. You can learn more about him here https://sneakyart.substack.com/about You're right about how the simplest interactions and observations are able to inspire a whole feature length script or series. Spring is the season for inspiration! Thank you for all you do here.
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Going on vacay in Hawaii in May.
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Bicycling on roads in the Santa Cruz mountains. Writing a comedy horror script titled "Mutant Kudzu Apocalypse!" And watching live streams of a rare double-brood co-emergence of cicadas in April or May. There's the potential for trillions of cicadas--perhaps even a cicadanado if the conditions are just right.
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You're welcome, Tracy David Sim. Thanks for the link. I'll check it out. I don't paint your photos with effects. I just look up photos online and use them to think of stories and scenes.
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Wow, Travis Seppala! Hawaii! Hawaii-themed script coming soon?
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Bicycling on roads in the Santa Cruz mountains sounds fun, Sabrina Miller. "Mutant Kudzu Apocalypse!" is still one of the best titles I've ever heard.
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Maurice Vaughan Unlikely. The idea of spending a week with no real obligations (other than maybe dinner reservations and an excursion at a certain time) fills me with such longing! lol I'm so ready for a vacay!
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I need a vacay too, Travis Seppala, but I suck at taking vacations. Haha I end up writing, networking, etc. I need to work on that. Hope you enjoy the vacation.
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Maurice Vaughan It's simple: you see, you're the watchful protector of the Introduce Yourself Lounge, welcoming long time posters and new comers alike. The Hero the Lounge deserves, and also the one it needs right now. A Dark Knight, if you will.
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The Caped Moderator, Brian Carlin. :)
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Good to read your comments, Maurice, the Caped Moderator!
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I feel like the Caped Moderator might stick, Susan Joyce.
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So Who is Alfred?
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Love having you in the community Maurice Vaughan - your story is so inspiring and we are glad to have you!
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I don't have an Alfred, Juan Maria Solare. I should probably hire one.
Thank you, Amanda Toney! I love being in the community. I'm learning a lot, meeting a lot of people, networking, and hanging out/having fun.
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Maurice Vaughan i could use an Alfred myself!!
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Amanda Toney I've been more active and visit everyday and Maurice Vaughan is always giving great advice not only about getting around our beloved Stage32 but answers to all sorts of film and television production. Thanks to you too Amanda the house is a rockin!
Thanks for the shout-out, Pat Savage. Glad you've been more active on here. You're gonna see a big difference. My career took off when I started being active on here.
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I'm looking forward to getting out to the desert one of these weekends to get some dust in my lungs! And hopefully find somewhere to go for a swim!
That sounds great, Pat Alexander! What desert?