Screenwriting : Upcoming 8 week Screenwriting Lab- Write Your Female Driven One-Hour Television Pilot! by Sydney S

Sydney S

Upcoming 8 week Screenwriting Lab- Write Your Female Driven One-Hour Television Pilot!

Stage 32 is excited to welcome Colleen back for her upcoming lab!

In this interactive lab, you will take your female-driven one-hour television pilot from concept to completed script. You will receive direct and personalized feedback on your work throughout the eight weeks so you walk away from this course with a vetted pilot script that you can shop to producers, executives, and production companies.

Taking you through this professional-level training is Colleen Labella, os a producer and the Director of Development for Leslye Headland’s company, Shoot to Midnight. She has read hundreds of pilots and met with countless writers. She has sold numerous television series to various networks, and she is currently in development with projects at FX, Hulu, Freeform, and Lucasfilm. Her television credits include SINGLE DRUNK FEMALE, ALMOST FAMILY and the upcoming Star Wars series, THE ACOLYTE. She also has a number of films in development, including Catya McMullen’s GEORGIA MERTCHING IS DEAD. Colleen has a background in theater and loves working with playwrights as they transition to the world of television, and she’s dedicated to telling stories about women and the LGBTQIA community.

Email with any questions you have!

Sign up link:

Rosalie Fisher

I'm in Los Angeles! :)

Melissa Alcarese

Here from Gettysburg, PA

Cristina Hughes

Hi! I'm tuning in from Keystone, Colorado!! :) :)

Alyssa Michek

Los Angeles

Suzanne Porush

Hi I am Suzanne and I am coming from West Hollywood, CA

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw

Washington DC! :)

Amanda Toney

Love seeing so many amazing ladies in this lab! Please make sure you all connect with one another to stay in touch during and after the lab!

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw

Great first day! Love being around such sharp, intelligent women. :)

Leslie DuFresne

Great meeting everyone! Looking forward to the next class!

Alyssa Michek

So much fun chatting with you all! I can't wait to hear everyone's ideas

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw

Happy Birthday weekend Alyssa Michek

Alyssa Michek

Thank you Michelle Dionne Wardlaw! I also wanted to tell you I'm originally from DC, what a great city <3

Suzanne Porush

Hey Everyone! loved meeting all of you in class on Saturday. Does anyone know if Colleen posted an example of a 1-pager for us to download? If so, how do I navigate to it?

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw

Suzanne Porush Not sure where the document lives to download it, but Saturday's session is now posted. The 1-pager is about 1:48:45 into the video. :)

Suzanne Porush

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw - Thank you! Perfect. That should work.

Sydney S

Happy birthday Alyssa!

Alyssa Michek

Thank you Sydney S!

Suzanne Porush

So I cannot make it to class tomorrow. Ugh! Life always kicks you in the butt when you least expect it. Does anyone know how you submit your work to Colleen so you can get feedback from Colleen? Does anyone know how I might be able to make my one-on-one appointment with Colleen for week 03 if I can't make it to the class tomorrow? Colleen? Amanda? Anyone? I have tried emailing, but I have not received a response. I hope it isn't going to a spam folder?

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw

Suzanne Porush Colleen mentioned going over our work during the one on ones so a signup schedule will likely be emailed to us prior, at least that’s the method I’ve seen in other classes. Amanda is usually very responsive so I’d give her some time to reply. :)

Suzanne Porush

Awesome! Thank you Michelle! Have a great class. Bummed I can't make it.

Alyssa Michek

Hey all! Has the video from Saturday been posted yet? Would be very helpful to reference while we work on our beat sheets! I've been looking but I don't see it yet?

Alyssa Michek

ThanksI I see it's up now

Melissa Alcarese

Has anyone received their email with the one-on-one sign-up sheet yet? Colleen mentioned that the sheet typically goes out on Mondays, but I have not received it yet and want to make sure I didn't miss anything. Thanks!

Alyssa Michek

Same here Melissa! Haven't gotten it either.

Lucy Goldberg

was just logging in to see if this has gone out - I haven't received an email either

Sydney S

Hey guys this sign up link will be going out shortly today from !

Suzanne Porush

Thank you Sydney Summers. I havent received an email yet and it is Thursday 5/23/24. If it has gone out already can someone re-send it to me? ?

Rutger Oosterhoff

I'm from Amundsen–Scott South Pole Station, Antarctica. Greatings to the world!! I will follow all Stage 32 education from my igloo!

Lucy Goldberg

Is there a class this sat? looks like the schedule says next session is June 8th

Sarah Teres

SUCH A GREAT CLASS! Thank you so much, Colleen! It was really great to meet all of you amazing, brilliant, and talented women! I'd love to continue meeting in a writer's group, hit me up if you're interested :

Rosalie Fisher

Indeed! Thank you Colleen, it was great meeting you. You offered us some really wonderful and helpful insights and guidance. I'd love to stay in touch, and to Sarah's point, YES! I'm absolutely interested in continuing to meet as a writer's group - it was a nice practice yesterday, of reading a few pages outloud to see what areas were working or not. I can start a group email for anyone interested:

Suzanne Porush

Thank you Colleen! I really enjoyed your class. I found it very insightful. Sarah and Rosalie I am also interested in keeping in touch and starting a writer's group:

Melissa Alcarese

I’d love to keep in touch and continue working together as well! This class has been absolutely life changing for me in that it provided a structure and approach to writing that I never considered. I cannot express my gratitude enough for Colleen AND all of you amazingly creative and powerful women. Count me in with the group email:

Alyssa Michek

Count me in! It was so great getting to hear all your works in progress and working with Colleen was absolutely eye opening.

Sydney S

This made my Monday morning seeing this amazing feedback! Truly :) We will be reaching out very soon with an extension to the lab from and I hope everyone has a nice Monday!

Michelle Dionne Wardlaw

Hi ladies! Please count me in too. So enjoyed this class and loved hearing excerpts of everyone’s pilots! it was a pleasure and an honor! Colleen you rock!

Sam Rivera

This looks incredible!

Sarah Teres

Sam Rivera it is a FANTASTIC class!

Sarah Teres

@Sydney Summers : Colleen is THE BEST !! Looking forward to the "extension"!

Leslie DuFresne

Had so much fun and learned so much from Colleen! This was my second time taking this class from Colleen and hope there will be more! That is, if she doesn’t get sick of me! :)

Lucy Goldberg

down for a writers group! I am just getting started on my script and have a long ways to go!

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