Anything Goes : Where to read old messages? by Göran Johansson

Göran Johansson

Where to read old messages?

As a new member I quickly noticed that I almost every day receives email from our admin.

Too much to preserve everything. But suppose I first delete an email from our admin, and a month later realizes that I again want to read. Is it then possible to read it somewhere?

I mean, are the emails admin sends us preserved on some web page somewhere?

Maurice Vaughan

You might be able to restore the emails from your email trash can, Göran Johansson. If not and you remember what the email was about, you could email about the webinar, class, etc.

Göran Johansson

Dear Maurice, many thanks for explaining.

Anthony Murphy

Using Yahoo Mail, you can also go to ALL Mail, for it contains all the mail you've ever received, even those you've deleted.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Göran Johansson.

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