Screenwriting : Combine Them! by Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Combine Them!

If you have unused ideas/unfinished scripts you're not doing anything with, combine them and see what you come up with. I've done it with ideas and scripts.

And if you have an unused idea/unfinished script, think about turning it into a short script and using that as a writing sample.

Debbie Elicksen

I love this.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Debbie Elicksen. Combining two unfinished scripts saved my script from just sitting on my laptop.

Pat Alexander

Serial killers... in space?

Maurice Vaughan

Hit movie, Pat Alexander!

Wendy Weising

Great idea! I love it! Thanks!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Wendy Weising. Thanks. Glad you love the idea.

Doug Kayne

This sounds like an interesting idea. I have a bunch of “orphan scenes”. Wonder what would come out of it if I combined them all into one script.

Maurice Vaughan

Worth a try, Doug Kayne.

Rhonda Jean Seiter

Very creative, Maurice!! Mash up those different genres too! Anything’s possible :)

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Rhonda Jean Seiter. You're right. Mash up different genres. Thanks for sharing the tip! And even try unusual mashups, like Mystery/Musical.

Richard "RB" Botto

Smart, Maurice Vaughan. I was speaking with a prominent manager this past week and he said straight up, "Genre mashups are in mass demand right now."

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Richard "RB" Botto. That's great to know! Most of my genre mashups are Horror/Comedy, another genre with Horror, and a genre with Action.

Richard "RB" Botto

All enormously in demand right now, Maurice Vaughan

Georgette Skolnick

Never thought of that, Maurice. Great idea.

Maurice Vaughan
Maurice Vaughan

Here's another idea, everyone: combine short scripts into a feature script to make an anthology script (a Comedy anthology script, Horror anthology script, etc.).

You'll need to come up with a theme, character, object, dialogue, or event that connects the short scripts.

Doug Kayne

Regarding combining short ideas into an anthology, I’d actually had that thought myself. Great minds, right Maurice Vaughan

Maurice Vaughan

Great minds, Doug Kayne. I've done it once (combined short scripts to make an anthology script). I'm thinking about doing it again.

Maurice Vaughan

Here's a tip for writing an anthology script, everyone: make sure each story is strong. If one story is weak, it'll stand out and people will notice.

Georgette Skolnick

A thought just occurred to me, Maurice, as I extracted a short story from my feature. What if someone buys and produces my short, and then someone wants to produce the feature which has the short in it? Couldn't the owner of the short sue me? How can I own both?

Maurice Vaughan

I'm not sure, Georgette Skolnick. I suggest asking an intellectual property lawyer.

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