Introduce Yourself : Hi! by Steven Gamella

Steven Gamella


My name is Steven Gamella, and I am the author of 44 books. I'm looking to connect with other sci-fi, fantasy and horror writers on here.

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Steven Gamella. Are there any Fantasy and Horror movies/shows you're looking forward to watching this year?

Richard "RB" Botto

Prolific, Steven Gamella! To meet other authors, hop over to the Authoring & Playwriting Lounge

Jaye Viner

I also write spec fic. Just got back from a fantastic nebulas conference in Pasadena last week! What kinds of stories are you telling?

Asmaa Jamil

What a great accomplishment! I write fantasy novels.

William Joseph Hill

Good to meet you, Steven! Wow -- 44 books; that is very impressive. I know how much work goes into publishing a book. Congratulations! Welcome!

Jeffrey J. Mariotte

Good to see you here, Steven. Among my 70-ish novels are lots of horror (I'm in the finishing stages of a new one now) along with some SF, fantasy, crime, thrillers, westerns--I'm all over the genre map. But I keep cycling back to horror.

Sydney S

Wow, Steven, 44 books—that's incredible! :) It's awesome to connect with someone so prolific in sci-fi, fantasy, and horror writing. Your experience must offer such a wealth of insights and stories to your readers!. I'd love to check out some of your work—could you share a link or tell me where I can find your books?

Paul Campbell

Hi Steven, it's great to connect with you! Wow, 44 books is incredibly impressive—congratulations on such a prolific writing career.

Pat Alexander

Hey Steven, welcome! What are some of your favorite themes to write about in your sci-fi, fantasy, and horror stories?

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