On Writing : Need a Laugh? Hilarious Critiquing Blunders by Nancy Golden

Need a Laugh? Hilarious Critiquing Blunders

As you all know, an essential part of the writing process is getting feedback. It is so important to get other eyes on our work - we are typically too close to it to be able to look at it objectively by ourselves during the revision process, and it is always great to get other perspectives. That said, it is still up to the author to either accept or reject the feedback they receive.

I was the director of a writers group and we decided to do an anthology. One of the criteria I set forth was for each contributing author to have their story reviewed by at least two other members of our group. Soon I was receiving agitated phone calls because some of our members were being overzealous in their feedback. In an effort to mitigate the problem without pointing fingers, my husband and I made this totally unscripted short video (our son filmed it). It got the message across and has become a favorite at our writing events. If you need a good laugh - check it out :)


Maurice Vaughan

Great points, Nancy Golden! And hilarious video! We can give notes/suggestions, but it's up to the people receiving the notes/suggestions to apply them or not.

William Joseph Hill

I love the whole "don't use adverbs" bit, Nancy Golden ! I've heard that critique before, it's like saying take all the salt out of your recipe, when having just the right amount of salt makes the dish taste good.

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