Screenwriting : “The Wish List” Made the Quarterfinals!!! by Lisa Harrison

Lisa Harrison

“The Wish List” Made the Quarterfinals!!!

A screenplay for a romantic comedy, set in Birmingham, Alabama, that started with my concept as far back as 2005, made it to the quarterfinalists in the Third Annual Stage 32 Romantic Comedy Contest! I am beside myself!! I can’t take credit for the script, because I used two writers-for-hire who made my concept come alive on the page. “The Wish List” is about a bumbling building contractor who finds his OCD interior designer wife’s wish list and decides to secretly make her dreams come true to save their marriage and careers. I like to think of it as “The Bucket List” meets “Sweet Home Alabama.” We find out about the next round of finalists July 19. Please wish us luck!!

Maurice Vaughan

Congratulations to you and the writers-for-hire, Lisa Harrison! The script sounds exciting! Unique! Hope it moves onto the next round!

Sam Rivera

Congratulations, Lisa! That’s an amazing achievement—best of luck in the next round Lisa Harrison

Tom Lapke

That is fantastic. Congrats and keep up the hard work!

Sydney Summers

That's fantastic news! Congratulations on making it to the quarterfinals with "The Wish List"! It sounds like such a heartwarming and engaging concept. I love the blend of "The Bucket List" and "Sweet Home Alabama." Sweet Home Alabama is one of my favorite movies since I was young. Best of luck with the next round of finalists on July 19th! Sending you all the positive vibes for success!

Lee Shargel

WOW! Good for you. Just goes to show everyone that perseverance pays. I wish you all the best on your way to WINNING!

Sam Sokolow

THE WISH LIST sounds like such a terrific movie. Congratulations, Lisa Harrison!

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