I was just thinking how awesome it would be to see the "Recessional" by James Michener made into a movie. Have you read this book? It's a poignant story about a retirement complex in Florida. Most of the end-of-life decision making drama could be left out and focus on the residents... especially the old dudes who decide to build an airplane. I think the movie could be better than the book. I envision Eastwood, Stallone, Streep, Glover, Ford, Pacino, Lloyd, Freeman, Maggie Smith, Sophia Loren, Shatner, Lisa Lu, etc...
Do you have a favorite book you think would be great movie?
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I'm amazed there's a MIchener novel that hasn't already been turned into a movie. One of my favorite novels is Hammett's The Maltese Falcon. The Bogart/Huston adaptation is iconic but I've always hoped for a sequel. The novel just might be entering the public domain soon. Maybe if that transpires, I'll right that script.
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There's so much IP I'd love to see turned into books or movies.
I've gotten the rights to a couple things and wrote adaptations, but can't seem to get any producer interest.
Also a bunch of properties I can't afford the rights to that I'd love to see someone adapt.
Also a few properties I TRIED to get the rights to, but "missed it by that much" as someone had gotten the rights not long before I reached out.
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I read The Contender by Robert Lipsyte growing up, Heidi Schussman. I think it was a school assignment. It's one of my favorite books. I think it'd be a great movie. That and the second book (The Brave).
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My favorite books have already been made into movies (quite well) - The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, The Chronicles of Narnia (read those do many times), A Wrinkle in Time, I can't think of a book I love that isn't a movie.
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Suzanne, I love classic literature, which is handy because they're public domain. But there are a few newer books that can imagine as movies. Unfortunately I wouldn't want to deal with the author's rights. I've converted two of my novels to script (I get along with that author :).
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Maurice, do you envision the actors?
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Travis, which books that "you can't afford" do you think would be good?
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Eric, good luck with the Maltese Falcon! Michener wrote 40 or 50 books.
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I envision actors sometimes, Heidi Schussman. It helps me write scenes.
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Heidi Schussman Just to name a few, in no particular order...
The Museum of Intangible Things
Anthem (this is Public domain in the USA but not in other places)
the card game Ascension (they allowed me to come up with a pitch but would not option the rights to me)
The Girl In Red
The Illuminae Files
the video game Psi-Ops
the movie series The Butterfly Effect (I think it'd make a killer TV series and I have a pitch for it)
plus a ton of comic books
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Louis Sachar's "The Boy Who Lost His Face" would make a great film adaptation