Hello Stage32 Family: My name is Antuan, I am from the city of Mexico, I have been writing for a few years, looking for those beautiful glimpses where the evolution of my art as a screenwriter continues to grow, I study Philosophy and Letters, currently, writing Two interesting projects in Romance/Drama and Science Fiction/ Horror. I wish you a great weekend full of creativity, love and health.
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Hi, Antuan Martínez. How are your projects coming along?
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Antuan Martínez Love it bro! All the love and health to you as well!
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Best of luck growing, Antuan!
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Buenas dias, Antuan. Nice to meet you. I am interested to hear your take on a question I have: how do you effectively write about a location that you've never been (like space, Morocco, the planet Xerxes, etc.)?
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Great to meet you Antuan Martínez and I am from Guatemala, right next door and welcome aboard!!
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Maurice Vaughan Everything is going good bro ✍️
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Wade Cox Well, I love writing about science fiction and I try to expand that vision using various genres.
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Leonardo Ramirez Muchas gracias brow, hooe ur having a blast week. ✍️
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Mark Deuce Nice to Meet u bro.
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John Snell Thanks for the good vibes and good luck.
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Glad everything's going good for you, Antuan Martínez. Hope you have a productive week with your projects!
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Antuan Martínez So far so good brother. You as well, my friend.
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Hey Antuan Martínez greetings from LA! Love a good Sci-Fi story, what's your latest script about?
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Hi, Antuan! Welcome to the community! Your background in Philosophy and Letters must add great depth to your writing. If you need any advice or educational resources, feel free to email me at edu@stage32.com.
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Hi Antuan Martínez it's great to meet you and greeting from Southern California! I'm interested to know if you implement any of your philosophical learnings into your work? I'm curious to see how other writers do this!
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Sydney S Thank u very much, I really appreciate.
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Pat Alexander I’m working on a story about a boy who has supernatural powers on the thinnest line between waking up and assimilating his alternate reality into his life. My script is taking a very interesting path.
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Sam Rivera The creation of the characters is crucial, however in that fine line between reality and fantasy I believe that with the style I am using, I will discover different nuances in various dialogues. I am very excited, and each writing session becomes majestic.