Anything Goes : I love Disney by Kevin Hager

Kevin Hager

I love Disney

I really could use help. I have ideas for film, TV, and business ideas for companies like Disney. Some of them are to raise awareness of issues like bullying, harassment, relationship/domestic abuse. Including drug abuse, gang violence, and trafficking, including the issues in California and the child marriages happening there. I fear child trafficking is involved. Some inspiration is from Enter the Dragon and Walker, Texas Ranger.

One is Music and Magic, a sequel crossover to Disney's American Dragon: Jake Long and High School Musical Series where Ricky Bowen (Joshua Bassett) finds out Nini Salazar-Roberts (Olivia Rodrigo) is in trouble and goes to California to help her and her family and not only wins her back saves her life and they make new friends and meet the American Dragon: Jake Long and his family and together battle corruption that threatens America.

Another is called Once Upon a Time in Disney where a couple meet not only Mickey Mouse but must save Disney from an evil force and meet a young Walt Disney and inspire him. Some inspiration is from Once Upon a Studio and the Disney Immersion Experience.

Please if you know of any means or ways to help me then I ask you out kindness and mercy to help me. I don't know how to pay for any help, so I just need volunteers. Those who work with Disney and would like a challenge. I am only asking for help.

Please remember I have Asperger Syndrome and Multiple Sclerosis.

Thank you for your time.

Geoff Hall

Kevin Hager Hi Kevin, I feel that you’ll need to flesh out those ideas before you even think of approaching any studio. As they say, ideas are a dime a dozen and it’s what translates those ideas into a more valuable commodity that will have any impact.

What we are talking about here, are pitch decks and maybe concept designs. Have you worked on any of these kind of things before? There are webinars on Stage32 to help you, or talented individuals here in the community that could help you with the next step.

Here’s wishing you the very best with it all.

Arthur Charpentier

Just send your ideas to Disney.

Kevin Hager

I tried, but they can't accept unsolicited material. I have written them out as spec scripts/screenplays, I need a manager or an agent. I know you all want to make a difference as well.

Geoff Hall

Kevin Hager have you tried connecting with Stage32 education staff and ask them about a career development call, or one with a producer, to see how they could help you navigate this?

Kevin Hager

How do I contact them? The education staff. I have tried to connect with a producer but not much luck.

David Michael Kelly

For $35 you can at least talk to someone who produced a movie for disney this week. Have a good pitch, and show that you'd be a good person to work with and he could want to read your spec. Out of hundreds of query emails I've gotten three actual responses (which were all 'no thank you' lol), but with these paid pitches, I've at least gotten read, and stayed in contact with a few people that were really cool, and had a lot of insights on how I should be trying to move my projects forward.

Kevin Hager

Well I am not sure about spending money. I would like to make it private. Do you know anyone who would represent me?

Arthur Charpentier

cinema is entertainment for rich people. If you're hoping to get rich writing scripts, it's the same as trying to win at a casino.

Kevin Hager

Well are there any producers here that would represent me?

Pat Alexander

Most producers and representatives would want to see a script. Something tangible they could show and get people excited about your ideas. That would probably be step 1. We all have great ideas, but executing your ideas into stories on the page is what gives you best chance of impressing the people you want to impress.

Kevin Hager

I have written them into screenplays and spec scripts. But I need help with making them into scripts.

Kevin Hager

Do you know how to pitch them to Disney?

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