Anything Goes : Breaking Down the Script: What Makes a Successful Elevated Horror Screenplay (with case studies from BARBARIAN & IMMACULATE) by Sydney S

Sydney S

Breaking Down the Script: What Makes a Successful Elevated Horror Screenplay (with case studies from BARBARIAN & IMMACULATE)

Get a downloadable copy of the BARBARIAN screenplay!

Even as horror remains one of the most successful genres in Hollywood, it can be difficult to thread the needle and craft a horror screenplay that has both commercial and critical appeal. A movie that’s all gore and no substance can feel exploitative to critics and mainstream audiences, but too little will disappoint diehard fans. To find the right line, it’s important to look at films that managed to succeed on all fronts.

A great elevated horror screenplay should make audiences think and feel without sacrificing scares and intensity. Horror movies often can’t rely on big stars or high budgets to draw audiences in, so they have to dial up the creativity, cultural relevance, and disturbing imagery. In this webinar, we will explore films like Barbarian and Immaculate, along with other classic elevated horror films, to give us a reference point on how to deliver all these things.

Email with any questions!

Brian Couch

Hi... I'm hoping my completed feature "Dream Wedding - Horror Show" generates enough audience appeal/disgust/thought to generate two or three sequels. In advance of the session, am I correct in assuming that elevated horror scripts attack comfort zones by exposing their flaws and assumptions? 'Thanks' in advance for assisting in the spread of 'wrong-thinking'.

Thorn Dagron

I am always open to learning something new. Looking forward to elevating my writing for my screenplays.

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