So out of curiosity, how many people have Facebook Fan Pages and how many people have liked your page? Do you ever interact with your fans? What's the ratio of fans that know you personally (friends) to people you don't know or have never met? How do you engage your fans? Do you find having a Facebook Page useful? Discuss!
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I do have a page ( with about 110 Likes so far. Right now it's at about a 75/35 friend to stranger ratio. But I do have a few people I interact with quite often on it. I'd love to expand it.
Hi Kris, i have one it has 321 likes its handy to post regular updates but the rules have changed with facebook now and unless you pay to promote a update only about 10 - 20% get to see it. I use Linkedin much more where I have made great contacts . Twitter I have and have nealry 1000 followers but I don't think anyone actually reads anything on Twitter.
what a small world! I just went to your fan page and my husband liked it! lol- I'll like it too. I only have 24 likes on my page. I haven't had it very long and I only started it because I have a children's book being published next fall and well blah, I'm rambling. Anyway I love reading the material other artists post!
What exactly is a Facetube Fan Page?
I have been trying to gain fans of my film reviews on my facebook page ( but only have 30. I post reviews pretty regularly and have tried to get the few fans I have to send me the names of movies they want me to review, but it hasn't really worked... any advice on how to grow that audience?
Hey Nolan, One thing I'd do is reach out to filmmakers themselves and see if they'd like you to review their films. Then you can provide them with the link to your review and they will most likely retweet it or forward it to their followers. Also, aggressive and selective twitter outreach may help, as well as reaching out to people on here. Have you thought about buying some Facebook or Google ads?
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I have spoken with filmmakers before and reviewed their films. But only once. It was cool to get that exposure. I will look into doing that more often. Thanks for the advice.
Any time, Nolan! Those are just some ideas to start out. I'd love to chat more with you about your reviews if you're interested. Also, like my FB page ;)
like my page and you can find some of my reviews ;) haha
Here's the facebook page for my feature, "Surviving Family." We have over 3,100 likes, and I only know a pretty small percentage of the people. I use it constantly to raise the profile of the movie, and frequently add photos, video, film festival news, etc.!/survivingfamily
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I have a page, but I must admit, I don't post as often as I did when I could link it with LinkedIn via Twitter. My personal page is where all the action is, and there is a lot of it. That said, I always try to engage when someone posts something or sends a note in the page mail. Engagement is how you build your network. I can say that Facebook (mostly the personal page, but sometimes the fan page) is fast becoming the main communication site for business, too. I used instant messaging a lot. I have had some business discussions in Twitter, too. But Facebook and email are my main tools right now.
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I have literally dozens of pages for my different companies, etc. Don't have a page for my entertainment side yet. Nonetheless, no matter what kind of page, fresh content and interaction is key. Feel free to connect with me on facebook if you'd like
I've got a fan page for my youtube (MrStarduke) but so far I'm the only one who likes it. lol.
I have 1 each for my recent shorts and my web series filming next year
We're at 81 for my next short, anyone kind enough to give the page a like would be appreciated. We regularly update with production news and information, audience doesn't seem to grow much though... any advice on expanding audience beyond "friends" would be appreciated.
Matt - I gave you a sounds amazing. A few thoughts: people (I think) like photos and video, so try to use them as much as possible- it can be as simple as your actor's headshot. Also be sure to share any page post onto your own FB page, so your friends see it and are encouraged to Like it. Finally,mif you can afford it, consider budgeting a little money for FB advertising, targeting people who like movies that are similar to yours in some way (historical. Etc). One of the good things about fb advertising is that you can run it for a day or two, pause it, and re-start if/when you want. It DOES help to get page attention. How well it takes you beyond that toward movie viewership, distribution, etc....I don't know yet....
Many thanks Mara, I'll look into the costs of FB advertising.
Also to Nolan - indie filmmakers like me are always looking for critics to review our movies. Send me a fb message if you might be interested in reviewing my feature, Surviving Family (
I'm working on 12 short films of 12 minutes this year, and I try to attract as much attention as possible by using Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and a website: I feel it's about the combination of all these platforms. All of them have their +es and -es. I myself prefer Twitter, because it leads to a lot of interaction. It's all about what works best for you and the only way to find out. is by trying them out. My project's facebook page: My Twitter: @12movies12min
Mara, sent you a message. Thanks
I have a page. I have 332 likes I think it is really beneficial because I can just focus on my career and I can connect more with industry people that way. It's linked to my twitter account as well - so easy to network!
I have one and it helps... :-)
American Harmony has a fan page (with 2370 likes). The production company (This Is Just A Test Productions/TIJAT) doesn't though. Given TIJAT's recent deal, though, they probably don't need it at this point.
I have an "Author page" and interact with readers/viewers several times daily. It was my introduction to the media (something foreign to me before) as an indie writer. This exposure ultimately led to a three-book contract with HarperCollins. Perhaps one to two percent of fb fans (I call them reader friends) are people I've met in person. This changes constantly with my travels now. You'd be amazed at what using a facebook fan page can do for you. I've been contacted by four producers (including Left Field Pictures and Authentic Productions) and was recently offered contracts by three of them. I am however already under development contract after appearing on National Geographic Channel for Stick Figure and just made a sizzle tape for Lifetime TV. My fb fan page is crucial to my career. I'm extremely grateful for my readers/viewers and pay attention to what interests them. I have about 3,500. The number fluctuates constantly. My publicist and author friends say this is normal. I hope this is somewhat of a help to you.
It seems to work out well for some. I have just under a thousand likes on my page, but it's up and down all the time. I only have like a hundred (friends and family) that like it though. I seem to get better attention from strangers verses the people I grew up with..doesn't make much sense, but hey, if you all get the chance, check my page out! :)
Kristopher, I think it's vital to have a fan page. ( and sometimes it takes a while for it to gain critical mass. First of all, yes, there are other, sometimes more effective, ways to promote your work, but Facebook is in my opinion as fundamental as having dial tone in your office. It's important to interact regularly (a practice, you might see that we've slacked off on lately) because that's what brings in the new fans. You can link your blog to it (and I recommend it) and you can link it to your Twitter feed. I recommend that too. The main thing is to select the platforms you plan to use, then engage with those platforms consistently and with quality content. That will help you meet your ultimate goals. Oh, goals? Start with those and the answer about whether to have the page and what to do with it will answer itself. ---v
I used to have a fan page with some credible hits. But i really don't think it does much for a product or brand and there are much better ways to engage with your audience rather than just having a static page. i.e blogspot, vlogs, topical thoughts all based on your own webpage. For me, It's a far more manageable system. Plus, with the addition of facebook now bottle-necking how many people reciever my status up-dates, it just doesn't make sense to spend my time doing that anymore.
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Facebook is a great platform for promotion and Pages form part of that. The timeline is perfect for projects as you can keep it updated with progress, photos, video content. Because people use Facebook for leisure you can't use it to simply self promote, you have to use it to engage and offer something of interest/entertaining so its ideal for music, tv or film productions as these projects create lots of content that can be use. Once the project has gone live then it forms a place where comments and reviews can be posted (and encouraged). Always respond to comments if you can and post open ended comments that allow people to reply. Use the banner ads to promote your page and promoted messages to make sure any updates reach as far as possible.
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I have 4 fanpages serving different purposes depending the pages on some of them I have a really good connection with the followers. I think if I start a project on some of my followers will be among my early backers. My most active fanpage is the one in relation to my popular Youtube channel.
I have a fanpage and personal facebook page. I mainly interact with my fans on my personal page. I also have a blog that I use to interact with my fans as well. I have found Facebook very useful. It's allowed me to connect to people I would have been able to connect with before. My facebook page is
Hey all. I too, have a Facebook fan page ( In the beginning, I would post about an upcoming audition, but decied to only post projects I was cast for, or on-set shots, promotional material or final products. I interact with anyone and everyone who comments on the material. From the 170ish likes, 140ish are on my friend's list. I also have the fanpage connected with my Twitter account ( Heck, I only have 80 followers there! :P. And yes, I reciprocate with anyone who Likes my FB page or Follows me on Twitter. ;)
I have an author page on facebook. 192 fans, acquainted with 36 of them. I post info about my books, promos, competitions, status of literary and screenwriting projects in the works and completed, etc., and info on my nonprofit greybeard community center events.
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I have 29,250 on my artist page (Elite Force) - it's a pretty interractive community, although I'd say I only know about 10% of them personally. The main thing for me is the level of two-way communication.
I'm on the fence on this one. On the one hand, I don't think badly of any actor I know who sets up a fan page, but I wonder about the actual value of doing so. It seems like 99% of the people who "Like" those other pages are other industry peeps showing love and support. That's great, but does it have real value for promoting our careers? I'm unconvinced.
Hi, I'm very much for facebook fan pages (, I currently have 168 likes and know about 50 of them but believe it's a good way of getting my film work out there for the world to see. I would ideally have more likes but find it hard to promote the page without spending money on advertising. We are always trying to engage with fans so try to post whenever possible. From the sounds of things everyone has a similar opinion, it's just an easy and convenient way of promoting, also people choose to like the page if they are interested where as you are not always interested in what adverts are promoting so become irritating.
I tend to be a big fan of Facebook Pages done well, I like the ability to interact with fans and engage your audience. What ways do you guys engage with your fans? I have certain default methods, but I'm always looking for new ones. Also, my page:
I started a fan page, but I'm SO digitally handicapped, I can't find my way back to it. Don't know how to add photos and graphics. All I CAN do is write...Why don't people discuss getting agents here? THAT'S the $640,000 question. Seems soon as ANYBODY gets one (a real one, a good one) they absolutely develop amnesia and completely forget about them what don't...
I do not facebook.
I'm on facebook , but hardly ever go there. Not my cuo of tea.............For my purposes, I think it's mainly useful for up n coming projects to publicize...that's all.............
My personal site is visited more by my fans than my fan page.
Hi I'm a facebook fanpage developer. A lot of interesting comments here. On the subject of likes, it is strictly a numbers game. In the majority of cases, people "like" a page without ever visiting it. However, the stats are what you need to get benefits such as your vanity url. To get those numbers up, spend some time on "like ladders". On content, most facebook users are totally unaware of the multimedia capabilities now available. Everything you could want or need is now availabe as an app and is generally free. For example, embedding your web page, video, audio, slideshows, animations. Links to your other social media accounts and sites. The possibilites and configurations are endless, limited to your imagination and available content. I have been researching and studying the ways and means of creating the ultimate fanpages and have reviewed and tested a large asssortment of multimedia facebook apps. I invite anyone following this thread to review and compare what is available and how they could use it in their campaigns. The page is always under construction and I invite visitors to submit some cool content for inclusion to cross promote and network. Terry
I agree with Allison, im not sure about the facebook fan page and now you only are limite to 10% of your likes seeing your posts unless you pay.........