Screenwriting : Screenwriter Hangout by Lisa Duffy

Lisa Duffy

Screenwriter Hangout

Would any screenwriters out there be interested in starting a meet-up via Google Hangout? I think it would be extremely productive and fun. Let me know if you're interested.

Mark Souza

Great idea, Lisa. I'd be interested depending on the day and time.

Lisa Duffy

Excellent, Mark. Let's see if we can get a few more responses. What time zone do you live in?

Mark Souza

Pacific for me.

Wayne Taylor

I could give it a try. I work diff shifts at my job usually 12hrs a day. eastern time

Brian Green

Sounds interesting. Have any idea on when you'd be hosting these "hangout" sessions?

Lisa Duffy

Thanks for your interest, everyone! Since we're all in different time zones, why don't you list what day/time works best for you and I can set up something that would accommodate everyone. For me, M-F at noon EST works great, or I can do 6pm EST, too.

Deborah Weed

I'd be interested!

Mary Ellen Gavin

Add me, but have no idea how that would work--lead me through it?

Bert L . Morgan

I.m in Fairfax, Virginia. I have two screen plays, one is docudrama and one is full feature. Same subject for both.

Donna M. Carbone

Have you already started a hangout or are you still in the planning stages? Would like to be a part of the conversation.

Rick Hardin

I'd be interested too! - Seattle, WA.

Lisa Duffy

Great response! So glad so many people are interested. Donna, this is in the planning stages, yes. I will throw out several dates/times in a little while to see what works for everyone. If you're unfamiliar with Google Hangout, you might want to go and familiarize yourself with it Thanks, everyone! I'm looking forward to meeting you all!

Marvin Willson

Sure, why not... I'm PST.

Leontist Fizer

I'd love too. Just tell me when - and I'm there Lisa

Padma Narayanaswamy

yeah sure Lisa

Lisa Duffy

Okay, since we're all over the board as far as time zones goes, and since Google allows only 10 people per hangout, I'll offer 2 different dates/times and see if we can't get two going to accommodate everyone. How about one on Saturday, 11/2 at 2pm EST? Then how about one on Sunday, 11/3 at 5pm EST? If neither of those work for you, please let us know what time/date does work.

Deborah Weed

I'm interested in the Sunday one! Thanks Lisa for putting this together...

Jenny Deason Copeland

I'm interested. I will see if I can join Sunday. May be pitching then. If free I will join. Thanks for putting this together.

Mark Souza

I'd be interested in the Saturday one. Do you have a link?

Padma Narayanaswamy

I am located in India . My time zone is GMT+5.30hrs.Can you accomodate me Lisa?

Bill B.j.Lee

Hey Lisa…sounds like a positive step for some of us who spend most of their creative time in the back, in the dark, in the room…alone..sigh

Bill B.j.Lee

Please post your time slots for the hangout…good luck...

Lisa Duffy

Hi, Padma, How many hours ahead of EST time are you?

Bert L . Morgan

I'll take Sunday the 3rd at 5:30 est.

Padma Narayanaswamy

I am 10 hrs 30 mts ahead of EST.

Leon Segers Jr.

sounds interesting...

Mike Raci

I'm in NYC, and My iPad mini and I are pretty flexible as far as time...

Bill Joyce

I will join but you must be gentle... I am new to this and to Google Hangouts... my Google thingy is

Donna M. Carbone

I'm good with Sunday 11/3 @ 5 pm.

Padma Narayanaswamy

My gmail is . What is yours ? I can add it in my list.

Lisa Duffy

Thanks for your responses! Here's how to join a Google Hangout: - Get a gmail account (free) - add me to your circles (Lisa Duffy - I use the same headshot for Gmail as I do for Stage32) - On Saturday or Sunday at the appointed time, whichever works for you, log in. I will begin the hangout and invite you to join. Super easy! Let me know if there's a particular topic you'd like to discuss. I think starting with introducing ourselves and then maybe talking about the biggest creative challenges we're facing right now would be good. If the hangouts prove to be productive, maybe we can keep them going regularly with different topics.

Michael Shandrick

Lisa, I would really like to know what the benefits are to using and why you enjoy it. I guess, after trying so many different kinds of these things I'm a little burnt. I don't want technology to get in the way of collaborating.

Lisa Duffy

Hi, Michael! I also have used various forms of technology to connect with other people and Google Hangouts seem to have the most perfect conditions. Multiple people on at the same time, recording capabilities, editing capabilities, easy to use and free. As an emerging screenwriter, I've learned so much from other people in the industry. But I live in South Carolina and have 3 kids that keep me super busy so I thought it would be fun to start a discussion group with other screenwriters.

Sy Shanti

I'm interested if it's really going to happen.

Julie Young

Sure, I'm interested, but I wont be able to participate much until after my eye surgery.

Michael Shandrick

Well, you have the requisite skills to be a screenwriter ...managing three kids. In time you will meet producers and you'll understand the similarities. Thanks, I just might give it a try.

Jonathan Kramer

Yep..I have to Google ID's: Dawinedog and jk.nvizhon let me know :)

Tom Paini

Hi Lisa.. Is this Google hang out thingy, your starting.. Is it for U.S. writers? Or can us Redcoats join up?.. I'm U.K. G.M.T. zone..

Padma Narayanaswamy

what is your gmail account pl write Lisa and thanks .

Jill Carin Adams

I'm interested - I'm GMT - but you've probably filled your two 10 people slots already. If you've got a standby list.. great idea, btw!

Lisa Duffy

BTW, my gmail account is

Tom Paini

Hi my gmail account is

Lisa Duffy

Excellent, Tom! BTW, it's open to all no matter where you are. Would love you red coats to join in :) Were you interested in Saturday's or Sunday's hangout?

Lisa Duffy

Leon Segers, Bill Joyce, Jonathan Kramer and Jill Adams, I have 5 slots available for Sunday @5pmEST and 8 slots available on Saturday @2pmEST. Padma, I will try to see what I can work out for you since you are so far ahead of us time wise.

Lisa Duffy

So far I have Debbie Weed, Jennifer Copeland, Bert Morgan and Donna Carbone for Sunday @5pm and Mark Souza on Saturday @2pm. If anyone else wants to join in, let me know. Looking forward to meeting you all :)

Tom Paini

Hi Lisa.. Just fire me me into any time slot you have left.. Anyone will do..

Donna M. Carbone

Deborah Weed and I are close friends and she is a student in my Writing the Feature Screenplay class. You are going to love her! She is sooooo talented.

Bill Joyce

Lisa the Saturday slot is best for me.... And while us Texans believe we are from another world we are only one time zone away!

Martin Russo

sounds like a good idea, I will try and join best Martin

Brian McAndrew

As long as it doesn't create problems I'm interested.

Leon Segers Jr.

yes, I would like to join at your time frame -

Jonathan Kramer
Lisa Duffy

Leon, Mary Ellen and Jonathan - I'll put you in for Saturday.

Jonathan Kramer

OK Lisa.. I added you to my DaWineDog circle

Linda Meyer

I'd like in too if possible. PST

Mark Souza
Jill Carin Adams

Hi Lisa, if I'm not too late can you fit me in for the 2pmEST Saturday slot? Thanks.

Marvin Willson

I'm in for sunday. already added you, Lisa.

Krystle N. Adams

Hi, that would be so cool

Levada McHenry

On board for this....

Christine Edwards

This sounds good.

Laurie Ashbourne

Great idea -- but may need a different forum tool -- google hangout is limited to 10 people

Lisa Duffy

Okay, for Saturday, I have Mark Souza, Tom Paini, Bill Joyce, Jill Adams, Leon, Mary Ellen, Jonathan and Linda Meyer. Excellent! On Sunday I have Debbie Weed, Jennifer Copeland, Bert Morgan, Donna Carbone, Marvin Wilson, and Krystle Adams. So there's one slot left on Saturday, and three slots left for Sunday. Just let me know if you'd like to reserve one.

Lisa Duffy

P. S. - I tried to be as thorough as possible, so if I've missed someone, please forgive me :)

Deborah Weed

Thank you Lisa!

Jonathan Kramer new to Hangouts..I added you to a Google+ page, so on Sat, what is the procedure?..Will your hangout show up on the upper right when I log into Google+ or?

Linda Meyer

Greetings! This may be easier to use than google hangouts and more than 10 can participate at a time. Just post when you would like regular time slots to take place. Also it can be used anytime by anyone. Let me know if this is agreeable. You can contact me at Thank You. I've created an online community and I'm hoping you can join us. It's called Meet ups for stage 32 members. The center of this community is our message board. Stop by and read what others have written, or post your own messages. To join the discussion, simply go to Meet ups for stage 32 members is part of Delphi Forums. In most cases, you'll be able to check out the forum without registering. Registration is required to post a message, but it's quick, easy and free. Your free Delphi Forums membership also gets you in to hundreds of other forums like mine. Hope to see you at Meet ups for stage 32 members! L. Meyer

Linda Meyer

The current time slot is fine on google hangouts, but e-mail addresses need to be supplied for getting more into the group. I tried to ad those whose emails were provided but not everyones email went through.

Linda Meyer

What topics does everyone want to discuss?

Padma Narayanaswamy

LindaI joined but I could not see anyone in this group what to discuss we can just encourage each other like each other scripts at least read other scripts . Of course not all will like genre we write for exm I am not into fantasy

Jill Carin Adams

I'm, btw - Sat slot, but anyone feel free to add me.

Linda Meyer

Looks like if I want an actual chat room on Delphi I will have to come up with 15 dollars, which will have to wait until my paycheck goes in tomorrow.

Linda Meyer

Here is the chat room. Must have Java to use it.

Mark Souza

I think adding another forum is confusing. Lisa has set this thing in motion (what an angel), and unless I hear from her that the meeting location is changing from Google Hangout to Delphi, I plan to log into Google Hangout on Saturday.

Tom Paini

I'll stick with Lisa.. It's her idea to begin with..

Rick Hardin

I think this is a cool idea! I'd love to join in but unfortunately this weekend and next are booked, but keep me in mind for future gatherings. Lisa I added you to my Google circle:

Linda Meyer

I agree that this is Lisa's idea. I was just trying to find a way where everyone could be online at the same time and in the same discussion. I can even turn it over to Lisa if she wants it. Her choice. If no one wants to use it I will cancel the site in 2 weeks. Here it is again if you want to try it out between a couple of you:

Lisa Duffy

Hey, everyone! I am so glad there's been a big response and I'm looking forward to Saturday's and Sunday's discussions. I am happy to start the conversations and hope it can be a catalyst for many productive conversations whether they happen with me on Google Hangouts or some other venue that someone else initiates. I think the important thing is conversation. I know I've been needing to bounce ideas off of other people so I'm hoping to learn a lot from you all.

Padma Narayanaswamy

I have Lisa on my hangout now .

Damien Paul Michael

I would love that. How do I chime in?

Lisa Duffy

Hi, Damien! Just grab a Gmail account from Google if you don't already have one. Then look for me ( and add me to your circles. Then on Sunday at 5pm EST sign in to your account and I'll invite you to the hangout. It should be fun and informative!

Lisa Duffy

Hi, Padma, please be patient with me… after this weekend, I'll try to get another hangout going at a time that is reasonable for you to attend. Thinking of that… would you mind sending me some options for that? I know you're 10 hours ahead of us, but I don't know when your free time is. Thanks!

Neva J Howell

Lisa, I have a question about google hangout. I've avoided joining in on those because I don't know how much data/bandwidth it uses? We don't have unlimited internet here, where I live right now. I know that's hard to believe these days but Verizon doesn't offer it in the package my sis needs for the rest of the family. In any case, I just wondered if you or anyone else knew if it eats up data like a podcast or video would? Thanks, Neva

Tom Paini

Hi Jacqueline.. Just read your above post.. You know without putting a fly in the ointment... I did think the same myself.. Head for the writers lounge, and just start a wee hangout there.. It's a great idea from Lisa, people getting to know one another, you know really talking.. Getting to know them, well as much as you can through a keyboard and screen.. Getting to know there work.. Giving advice, or getting it.. I think It'll work (given a chance).. Could always bring it up in conversation with Lisa.. See what she says..

Lisa Duffy

Hey Jacqueline! Threads are great, no problem with those. I just offered a hangout because it's live and people can get to know each other and exchange ideas in real time, face-to-face. It's definitely not the only way, I just wanted to try it. I'm open to any kind of discussion. Have a great weekend :)

Phil Keys

I'm in.

Lisa Duffy

Hi, Phil, welcome! Does today at 2pm EST work for you? If so, what is your gmail address?

Mary Ellen Gavin

Lisa, you had put me on Saturday--is this time official for me also? Give us direction ha ha ha MEg

Lisa Duffy

MEg - Sure, unless 2pm EST doesn't work for you.

Lisa Duffy

Hi, Martine! You're not too late, there are a couple spots left for Sunday at 5pm EST. Just let me know what your Gmail address is so I can include you. Mine is I look forward to meeting you!

Jonathan Kramer

Hey Lisa.. I didn't realize we had a choice.. I'd actually prefer to join the group that cool?

Lisa Duffy

Well, the best laid plans… Google hangout didn't work! Thanks to everyone who took the time to be present and sorry we couldn't connect. It worked for me last week, not sure why it didn't work this time. I'm sorry for the inconvenience and I look forward to connecting with you here.

Jonathan Kramer

Lisa..I think there's a good chance it had to do with Google services.. Was everyone having the same problem as I was with the plug in which seemed to update but obviously didn't?

Lisa Duffy

Maybe… you might be right. I just hate wasting peoples' time, though, you know?

Jonathan Kramer

I'm pretty sure Gmail is connected with Hangouts so when you monitor the status here, you'll notice on the chart that there's been problems

Jill Carin Adams

Oh that's so funny: I thought it was ME! (says more about my personality, I guess). It was my first attempt, I planned Sat night dinner with The Husband around this (no problem, he likes to eat early and he's so supportive about doing this).. thought I was all organised with Google+ chat, turns out I hadn't actually downloaded the software. Finally got there in the end and - I had to laugh - they told me 'everyone's left.' I felt like the girl spending so long getting dressed for the party that by the time everyone got there, party was over. Lisa, I think this is wonderful that you're doing this. If you want to chat any time privately, email me - - and maybe we could start by skyping? Til then - anyone reading this - it's a lovely idea, and now that I've got the software, I'm up for a raincheck.

Jill Carin Adams

p.s. Just saw the comment about wasting people's time: that's so sweet, but it's truly not a problem. It's not like my time is that valuable anyway.. yet.

Jill Carin Adams

Oh sorry if you need a gmail address, it's:

Phil Keys

I tried to get in but I am not too au fait with computers and google.

Mark Souza

Don't sweat it. It was a great idea and a valiant effort. We'll find a way to make this work.

Jonathan Kramer

I really think it would be important for all to monitor this site: to determine whether Google services are working for the Hangout. If you look now, you'll see it says "up" though a major disruption occurred over 4 hours ago which is right around the time we were to have had our hangout. Let's try again tomorrow and see :)

Tom Paini

Hi Lisa.. Hi Folks.. I'd like to apologise first off.. I had to go out earlier this evening.. Missed the hangout.. "But!" I've just read some of the above posts.. There was problems with "Google" again.. (surprise - - surprise) Not the first I've heard about, concerning stuff like this.. Not to worry.. We can always try again!.. If it doesn't work?.. Why not start your thread - - right here?.. P.S. As for wasting people's time Lisa?.. Nonsense!. Not one person is thinking that.. It's a great idea.. If it doesn't work with Google.. It'll work here!.. Just fire it off and we'll all join in...

Lisa Duffy

Tom, Jonathan, Mark, and Jill, thanks for being flexible! As screenwriters, I guess you have to be, eh? Let's go ahead and try again at 5pm today with the Sunday crowd. If it works and turns out to be a productive event I'll let you know. Very glad to connect with you all :)

David George Sears

I'd be interested in joining in today!

Brian McAndrew

Where is this at?

Lisa Duffy

Hi, David - You've got the last slot available. All you just let me know what your Gmail address is. Mine is Join my circles, I'll join yours, then at 5pm EST I will invite everyone to the hangout. Yesterday, Google was down during the time we were supposed to have the hangout but I'm hoping today will be successful. Also, just make sure you have a web cam and the latest version of Google. I look forward to meeting you.

Lisa Duffy

Hi, Brian. We're trying this via Google Hangouts. Since it only allows 10 people at a time, today's hangout is already full. But, if we do another one I'll be sure to let everyone know.

Lisa Duffy

For those who are attending today's Google Hangout at 5pm, please make sure you have a web cam, the latest version of Google, and if I encounter problems like I did yesterday, I will message you to let you know. Looking forward to it!

Lisa Duffy

Bert Morgan - What is your Gmail address? There are a ton of Bert Morgans!

Lisa Duffy

Marvin Wilson, Krystl Adams, Damien Michael and David Sears, I need your Gmail addresses to add you...

Tom Paini

I don't know if it's me!.. Or Google!.. But I just can't seem to get past the landing page, before the bloody screen freezes up.. and I have to start again.. That's been 3 times.. It must be me!..

Linda Meyer

For those who can't get on the Hangout session today, you could still use the Delphi chat room instead. No cameras or voice capability needed. Just a keyboard to type with. Your choice on whether or not to set this up for your use. Here are the links.

Krystle N. Adams

Sorry! I've been having issues with Google. My email is

Linda Meyer

Tom Paini, it could be the web browser your using. Internet explorer keeps freezing on me too. Try Mozillas firefox, safari or google chrome. One of them might work better.

Tom Paini

Hi Linda.. I've got Mozilla and Bing, as well as Google.. Try them both.. Still the bloody same.. I'll keep trying.. If it does'nt work in the next 10 mins.. I'll let you know..

Luigi A J Lorfils

Terrific idea!

Jonathan Kramer

Just curious if Hangouts worked on Sunday.. hopefully it went well!

Linda Kennedy

Sure sounds good

Lisa Duffy

Hello, everyone. Sunday's hangout went well - no snafu's. Donna and Deborah were able to be there and we had a nice time getting to know each other and a productive conversation. I'd like to do another one a few weeks from now if anyone is interested. Would love to hear about any screenwriting topics you'd like to discuss if you attend. I'll start a new thread for that in the next few days. Have a great week :)

Padma Narayanaswamy

I cant understand I have included your name but I am geting mo posts

David George Sears

Interested when the next on is...

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