I just happened to log onto your post and felt compelled to respond. I would definitely recommend you taking time to use the site the way it's intended Lisa - maybe go over the FAQ or Getting Started sections. If you put the time and the effort in, Stage 32 is actually the most creative and productive community I've ever seen. I've met creative people from every continent on Stage 32. We've watched our members make films all over the world. You have academy award nominees giving advice to people just starting out. Every day a new story pops up in the success stories section of the lounge. I've learned so much from the blogs they put up almost every day. So, there is definitely tons going on in this site. Hope to see you around the site!
4 people like this
I just happened to log onto your post and felt compelled to respond. I would definitely recommend you taking time to use the site the way it's intended Lisa - maybe go over the FAQ or Getting Started sections. If you put the time and the effort in, Stage 32 is actually the most creative and productive community I've ever seen. I've met creative people from every continent on Stage 32. We've watched our members make films all over the world. You have academy award nominees giving advice to people just starting out. Every day a new story pops up in the success stories section of the lounge. I've learned so much from the blogs they put up almost every day. So, there is definitely tons going on in this site. Hope to see you around the site!