Stage 32 Meetups : London Meet Up by Melody Reynolds

London Meet Up

The next London Meet Up will be on Tuesday 10th June at 7pm at No 11 Pimlico Road, London SW1W 8NA the nearest tubes are Victoria or Sloane Square. Please let me know if you are coming so I can book

Nick Barder

I can take care of the MeetUp meetings pages for you. I run the MeetUp Organizer's support group locally so know my way around the system.. Unfortunately I'd find it tough getting to those meetings as I'm a Brit in New York :-) It's actually easier than it sounds to maintain a Website like this remotely.. If this helps, let me know... Nick... ( or on Stage32 of course ;)

Melody Reynolds

Thanks Nick I will email you

Bob Goodman

Greetings! I'll be in London the week of June 9 conducting an On-Camera workshop at The Actors Centre...

Melody Reynolds

Thanks Bob I will keep this in mind re the dates

Robert J Scott

most days are good for me so long as i get enough notice :)

Chris Brannick

I'm up for it - same as Robert, most days are good, but I'm out of the country until May. Looking forward to it!

Arhynn Descy

Hi Melody, I'm definitely interested in a meetup in London. When were you hoping to do it? Arhynn

Melody Reynolds

The first London Meet up will be at 7pm on Thursday 24th April at No 11 Pimlico Road, London SW1W 8NA the nearest tubes are Victoria or Sloane Square. Please let me know if you are coming so I can book the tables.

Richard "RB" Botto

I copied this from Melody's other post so everyone would know where the first London Meetup is happening: The first London Meet up will be at 7pm on Thursday 24th April at No 11 Pimlico Road, London SW1W 8NA the nearest tubes are Victoria or Sloane Square. Please let me know if you are coming so I can book the tables.

Simon Berry

Brilliant! Count me in. :)

Chris Brannick

Hi Melody, I can't make it as I'm out of the country - but count me in for future ones! Hope it goes well, Cx

Melody Reynolds

Will do Chris

Arhynn Descy

Hi Melody, count me in too. Looking forward to meeting you all.

Élodie Nua

Hi Melody, Hi all! I'm really interested in a meet up in London, count me in too.

Melody Reynolds

HI Elodie looking forward to seeing you there

Melody Reynolds

Just a reminder that the London meet up is this Thursday 24th April at 7pm please let me know if you are coming (if you haven't already)

Arhynn Descy

Looking forward to it!!

Sonnie Leawat

Hello melody , I will be there too , see you on the 24th

Simon Berry

I was very much looking forward to tomorrow-I have had a last minute rehearsal sprung on me, I will still try to attend-but I may be a bit late. Sorry to waver at the last

Tim E

Hi Melody, I'll be there with a +1. Looking forward to it

Melody Reynolds

Thanks Tim see you there

Melody Reynolds

Hi Simon it doesn't matter come along later on

Andy Lewis

Hi Melody. I plan to attend. Andy Director

Chris Repps

Hi Melody, I'd like to come this evening?

Melody Reynolds

Thanks Chris see you later

Chris Brannick

Hope it went well - see you all next time?

Simon Berry

Hello Melody and 'meet uppers' I am very sorry both for my inability to attend the event-and my tardiness in sending this. (Had an extremely late finish that prevented my coming) I hope those that could go had a great and productive time? I would love to go to the next one (assuming of course there is a next one) Best wishes, Simon

Melody Reynolds

The next London Meet Up will be on Tuesday 10th June at 7pm at No 11 Pimlico Road, London SW1W 8NA the nearest tubes are Victoria or Sloane Square. Please let me know if you are coming so I can book

Andrew Byron

Hello. Sounds good. Hope to be there.

Élodie Nua

Hi Melody, hope you're good. I'll be there :)

Tony Auguste

Hi Melody, I'd like to attend the June meet up. Thanks & regards

Graham Walker

When are you meeting? Best wishes Graham

Catherine Adams

Any news on this yet guys?

Zaff Malik

Hi Melody, please put me down to come.

Eve Wignall

hi Melody am filming,wouldnt you know it!!!Just a note to help others out,;not all productions are giving overnights and folks constantly paying their own way when on location on some productions.Make-up artists have their own web site,so I suggested as we cover the length and breadth of UK,most of us have spare rooms,and for a nominal fee,to help them,rent to fellow artists,instead of looking for expensive B&Bs or hotels.In 24 hrs,I had received several dig offers and accepted one close to studios and also got my fellow artist work on the film.We all have to help each other,and with the web,we can!I suggest each dept,actor,etc does tries this idea.Regards,Eve.

Tony Flynn

Hi Melody please count me in for10th June, is it still on? will be great meet up with fellow professionals from here.

Jenna Goodwin

Sign me up Melody, what's this meetups page nick is doing?

Eve Wignall

I am telling lots of my make-up buddies about this,but theres a lot of filming around at mo.

John Keedwell

I should be there!

Tony Flynn

Hi Melody My last message dosen't seem to be in the thread, but please count me in, thanks!

Russell C. Brennan

I will also be attending

Kathy Trevelyan

I can't come to this one, but would really like to attend next time. Thanks for organising these Melody.

Chris Repps

Hi Melody, I'll be away in Ireland for this, but hope to make the next one, keep up the good work!

Zaff Malik

Melody. I have an audition for tomorrow now, sorry I can't come either.

Tony Auguste

Time has crept up on me I'm afraid & I won't be able to come along tonight. So sorry. I hope it goes great.

Arhynn Descy

Running late, but am on my way. See you soon.

Élodie Nua

Hi guys, my photo shoot took longer then I thought :s running late sorry!!! See you soon :)

Tony Flynn

Hey Melody, so good to meet you last night, that was a really nice gathering, lets do it again sometime! Tony x

John Keedwell

Sorry, couldnt make it last night, had a a few challenges to sort out. keep me in the loo for the future though...

Edward St.Boniface

Hey Fellow Londoners, just joined STAGE 32 meself, a screenwriter-author. If it helps anyone wary of the walk from either tube station, the C1 bus goes by in either direction. I live in Westminster and use it frequently, it goes up Pimlico Road each way. From Victoria catch it at the Buckingham Palace Road stop just around the corner from the main station on the south side of the road, same side as the station. From Sloane Square, catch the C1 on the south side of the square , just along from the tube station entrance on the same side. Hope this helps. Here's a Transport For London link of the route. It's just a few minutes journey either way. Good ritin'! Best regards, Edward St.Boniface.

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi everyone - did anyone take pictures of the meetup? Can you email them to me? -- we'll feature you on Stage 32 :)

Arhynn Descy

Hi Julie, No we didn't take any pictures...~I think we were all too busy chatting!! We're planning on meeting again, so maybe this time we'll remember.....

Pietro Loprieno

HI everybody. I am planning to travel to London in mid july. Do you think there will be an other meetuo around that date? How many people joined the last one? Thanks Pietro

Arhynn Descy

We were thinking of having a meetup in July so watch this space for a date!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Let us know how Stage 32 can get involved to help you guys put together the July meet up - we can feature it to draw more awareness to it. Also, once it's done, send us photos so we can feature it on the site :)

Arhynn Descy

Not as yet as far as I know.

Andy Lewis

London Meet Up As there's a lot of interest and it's a shame to drop the momentum may I suggest that: The next London Meet Up will be on Tuesday 28 July at 7pm at No 11 Pimlico Road, London SW1W 8NA the nearest tubes are Victoria or Sloane Square. Please let me know if you are coming so I can book Andy

Kathy Trevelyan

Do you mean Mon 28th or Tues 29th? I'm coming, either way!

Simon Berry

Assuming this is a go I'll be there Andy (and hope for once I can remain free!)

Melody Reynolds

Hi Andy l can't make that date but will come to the august one thanks for arranging you will need to contact the bar to book the area.

Andy Lewis

I meant Tuesday 29th July. Thanks for pointing that out Kathy. I bet Melody would not have made that mistake! If anyone would like to come, pop a response on here. Then I can get a vague idea of numbers. Then the venue, no 11 pimlico road Sw1A 8NA can provide the right area at 7pm. Andy

Arhynn Descy

Hi Andy, I'll be there!

Kathy Trevelyan

I'm coming

Arhynn Descy

That is the same venue. See you there.

Tony Flynn

Hi Andy, I'll be there, hopefully!

Andy Lewis

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow Tuesday. 29th 7 pm ish. I am doing an actor class all day it ends about 6pm so please, if I am late, start without me. Cheers Andy

Simon Berry

Likewise Andy and Allan, I hope to get along this time-I am at a shoot a fair way off though and as we all know wrap-times are usually approximate at best! Hope to see y'all there :)

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Hi everyone - did anyone take pictures? If so, please email to me: We are going to do a blog feature tomorrow :)

Arhynn Descy

@Julie...Andy Lewis and Tony Flynn took photos....hopefully one of them has sent to you.

Arhynn Descy

Hi All, Great to see you at the Meetup....looking forward to the next one!!

Arhynn Descy

Hi all! Hope you're all having a wonderful summer.....shall we plan another meetup for september?

Cynthia Garbutt

Hi Arhynn Descy , Please, what's the details on the ext meetup? Thanks Cynthia

Arhynn Descy

Hi Cynthia, I'm not sure....I thought I'd see if people were interested. Perhaps we should just set a date?

Cynthia Garbutt

Could we do it on the stage32, annivesary date: Sat 20th Sep? Hopefully, the LA celebration isn't too late in the evening (with the time difference). Guess we'll get more details on that soon.

Rene Driessen

Any monday to thursday is fine, I work every friday 6pm untill sunday 6pm

Andy Lewis

I will be happy to book 30 Aug a Tuesday. Same place as usual. I am not in London 20 th Aug if that's the preferred date, Cynthia let me know.

Andy Lewis

NEW MEET UP. 28th August a Thursday was the date discussed. I will book this today. 7pm at 11 Pimlico Rd, London SW1W 8NA Opening a new post, Ornella, is fine. I have no idea how to do that. In fact finding this thread is hard enough.

Arhynn Descy

Andy, I'll start a new thread now and copy the above into it. Thanks for booking.

Arhynn Descy

For those of you following this old post, here is the link to the new post:

Arhynn Descy

@Cynthia...Good idea! Lets plan to have one then too!

Cynthia Garbutt

Only thing is, the LA celebration is going to be so late. LA PDT: 5:00p like 1:00a for us. That is, if we want simultaneous events.

Arhynn Descy

Well, we could do ours earlier and send them a message or something....

Cynthia Garbutt

That's true.

Andy Lewis

Next meeting 28 August. 2014. Details on thread above.

Dena Barnett

Hi Melody I would like to attend the June meet up. Thanks and if anyone needs a lift from Herts/North London borders, please drop me a line.

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