Sandra Logan's Lounge Discussions

Retiree on a journey to making his lifelong dream come true

Hi there, folks! Christopher Neal Fisher here. Some of you might recognize the name, but that's because I've been here for three years now, as of this April. I'm 61, live in Madison, WI, and have been married to the same woman for almost 35 years now. No kids of our own, but I have 2 stepdaughters,...

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Ilan Breil

Christopher - this is a GREAT post. Long but to the point and you are articulate and sell the pilot well and have really expressed yourself with passion and purpose. Good for you. I like your longline...

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David Pirinelli

Good luck !

Christopher Neal Fisher

Ilan: Just want to say "thanks" for the kind comments and offer. Anything else I want to say is in the e-mail I just sent you. Look forward to hearing from you soon!

David: Thanks!

Sandra Logan

Great post

Christopher Neal Fisher

Thanks, Sandra!

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