A couple of scenes in my screenplay are very graphic/disturbing. Do you think there's a risk to including that kind of content or does it attract just as many viewers as it deters?
A couple of scenes in my screenplay are very graphic/disturbing. Do you think there's a risk to including that kind of content or does it attract just as many viewers as it deters?
Hello, I'm Anthony Logan, a passionate casting director and the founder of Logan Casting Group. I'm here to connect with fellow industry enthusiasts and offer my casting expertise. Currently, I'm excited to take on some projects pro bono to gain more valuable experience. Let's collaborate and make some incredible productions together!
Thanks Maurice!
You're welcome, Anthony Logan.
Welcome to Stage32, Anthony. Wishing you all good fortune with your Casting Company. Having been a Casting Director myself some years ago, it is definitely an interesting and rewarding profession.
Welcome to the community :)
Hi Anthony. Welcome to the community. I think that's pretty kind of you. I wish you success. Let me know if you need help.
Hi I love life and I am currently trying to quit food, cigarettes, laziness, and sloppiness. And that concludes my introduction. Wish me luck.
Welcome to the community, Dr. Linda Mkrtchyan. Hope you're able to quit those things. I'm rooting for you!
Here's a blog that can help you navigate Stage 32: "Navigating Stage 32 For Your Best Experien...
Expand commentWelcome to the community, Dr. Linda Mkrtchyan. Hope you're able to quit those things. I'm rooting for you!
Here's a blog that can help you navigate Stage 32: "Navigating Stage 32 For Your Best Experience" https://www.stage32.com/blog/navigating-stage-32-for-your-best-experienc...
Adding a profile picture will help you build relationships/network on here (https://www.stage32.com/blog/take-the-work-out-of-networking-the-importa...).
Hope these things help!
Dr. Linda Mkrtchyan Hi Linda, Maurice Vaughan is right. If you want to build relationships on Stage32 it would be great if you had a profile pic. It does help people to build trust....
Expand commentDr. Linda Mkrtchyan Hi Linda, Maurice Vaughan is right. If you want to build relationships on Stage32 it would be great if you had a profile pic. It does help people to build trust.
Thank you gentlemen for the warm welcome and your valuable suggestions. I'll see if I can add my PC here right now. See you all around
You're welcome, Dr. Linda Mkrtchyan.
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The world is full of so many different kinds of people all with different interests. I think there's a market for pretty much anything! I think you're good! LoL you gotta be you and write what comes naturally. The key/trick is finding the market that will love/enjoy your graphic content lol
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Great question. For the documentary I produced/directed with my film partners, there was a scene that was questionable. We did get a few negative comments. If you can live with the comments, I say go for it. It's YOUR story - stay true to your vision!
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Hi Kathryn Zizek I think this is a very mindful question, I used to be a sensitivity reader and wanting to know how you can make something risky being in good taste is super important especially when...
Expand commentHi Kathryn Zizek I think this is a very mindful question, I used to be a sensitivity reader and wanting to know how you can make something risky being in good taste is super important especially when wanting to include your audience rather than alienate, a good source would be checking out our script coverage (https://www.stage32.com/scriptservices/coverage) in order to gauge feedback!
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As a paid script reader for studios/networks/prod-cos for many years, "graphic/disturbing" is okay if it is integral to the story.
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Depends...don't pitch to Hallmark :)
On a serious note no...and if it's horror, the gorier the better. Check out the latest successes it that field, although must say 70's and 80's were peak of the subject...those films were literally limitless.