A clairvoyant once claimed I was a famous author in a past life, but I don't think I should use that on my resume, although it might not be any less B.S. than some of things actors list on theirs.
The clairvoyant did pick up how I was a prolific writer, so at least that much was true.
What's also true is a certain insider's perspective I've gained over a number of years regarding an ongoing, fictional "Dramedy" (Drama/Comedy) series I'm writing. It is a human story, with characters who get caught up in the Adult Movie and Sex Trafficking Industries, circa early 21st century.; a time when trickery was often used to recruit females (ex/advertising as "(Nude) Figure Modeling" agencies or producers).
My only bias is truth seeking, acknowledging the dramas, but not merely seeking out drama for drama's sake. My preferece is writing that which is truth based, truth seeking. I'm a fan of comedy, which stretches the full spectrum; at tiimes, at worst, possibly crude, lewd, even empty-headed sophmoric (representative of the characters in the script's world, more than this writer, himself), to situational humor, and comedy encorporating wit, insight, sarcasm, irony, character, soul and spirit and emotions, faith (or lack of), poetic justice and meaning...Great comedic moments can be born from darkest moments.
This is not a story which seeks to exploit the expoitation business, but show in an incessantly entertaining and interesting and down to earth way, a world for what it is. Every individual has their own story, while at the same time, certain issues, themes, challenges, triumphs;, ecstacies and agonies, things good, bad and ugly, do occur..
There's the fantasy, the dream job... then there's the reality... the consequence sex work has on relations and relationships, especially in the age re-presented, where deceptive methods, from at times, lowlife, characters, are used to lure in "models" creating a domino effect of deception...
My goal is a show so entertaining, including hilarious, at times, that audiences rewatch the show over and over, either by themselves, or with friends, etc. My goal is to creat that which is ICONIC..
Also, for fanatics of the "Best-Worst" movie, The Room, by Tommy Wiseau, I wrote THE ROOM, PART II - JOHNNY, BACK FROM THE GRAVE!, which is hilarious. I have no rights to his work, but to display my writing and comedic talents, featuring characters that fans are already familiar with, with reprised roles, I think would be a good idea to display at this site, so stay tuned. The Room is coming on a 20 year anniversary and my The Room, Part II script is based in the time 20 years after Johnny's suicide..He's brought back to life by a powerful sexy asian Seance Lady (There definitely weren't enough, or any, asians, in Tommy's script based in San Francisco, which is heavily asian). So far, I've not been able to reach Tommy, but I truly believe this movie, if made, would make him greater, more loved and successful than ever, and I know that he'd certainly love that!
Unique traits: Writing. Acting. Teaching Acting. Public Speaking. I can teach you how to be a good actor, and not in any way that requires constant classes. More info avail upon request.
THE ROOM, PART II - JOHNNY, BACK FROM THE GRAVE! Horror ⋄ Comedy 20 years after his suicide, Johnny is resurrected from the grave by a powerful, sexy Seance Lady, and more powerful and determined, than ever, to win Lisa's love, while Johnny's old friends, are involved in various romps and horrors.