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By Jim Search

GENRE: Comedy

When his relationship falls apart and he returns back to his hometown, a directionless 20-something tries to rebuild his life by moving in with a complete stranger and working in a NASCAR merchandise plant.


Jim, a listless young adult finds himself in a failed romantic relationship in Cleveland and decides to move back home to Upstate New York to start over. When he arrives in town, he discovers his soon-to-be roommate being arrested, leaving Jim with nowhere to live. After hanging out in a local bar to drown his sorrows, he meets a young lady, Cassie, who thinks he is the star power forward on a college basketball team. She offers him a place to stay, which he myopically agrees to. Jim finds work at a NASCAR merchandise plant, thanks to his best friend, Tony. While working, Jim receives a cash bonus on his first day, which was meant for someone else. He happily takes the money and spends it on furniture at Cassie's apartment. Jim then discovers the money was meant for Jamal, a co-worker who is struggling with his medical bills. After trying and failing to sell commemorative plates at a pawn shop, Jim and Tony are strapped for ideas. Finally, the boys are walking home and two rough and tumble guys approach them looking for trouble. They mistake Jim for a local drug kingpin who was on the run and give him the money they owe him. Relieved, Jim heads home and watches the news, he sees a story about the local drug kingpin and a reward for his arrest. The screen flashes a picture of Jim on the screen. He is stunned and drops the remote.


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Nate Rymer

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Maurice Vaughan

Hey, Jim Search. I like your logline, and I think "working in a NASCAR merchandise plant" will set your show apart from other shows.

I have three TINY suggestions for the logline:

#1) Change "moves back to his hometown" to "returns to his hometown" (so you won't have "moves" and "moving" in your logline).

#2) Add an "a" before "complete stranger."

#3) I don't think you need a comma after "life."

Tasha Lewis

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Jim Search

Thank you! I really appreciate your insights and feedback Maurice Vaughan. This makes it flow a lot better.

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jim Search. Glad the insight/feedback help.

I would watch "Tremont Times." It reminds me of "Home Improvement" and "Last Man Standing."

Maurice Vaughan

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Jim Search

Ah thank you, I appreciate that. When I sell it, you will be able to!

Maurice Vaughan

Ok, cool, Jim Search. You're welcome.

Matthew Parvin

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Lisa Lee

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