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A famous singer and a local singer who thinks little her end up working together on a Christmas song, and fall in love with each other.
Dinah Olvera is a nicknamed pop-princess and is soon dumped by her boyfriend and in need of a new partner to write a Christmas song for her label she makes a contest for experienced singers and neophytes. Elsewhere Davis Connor is guitarist and musician who sings in a local café and views Dinah as a phony and annoying and has no interest in her contest. But his sister Bryn and her friends run a social experiment and secretly enters him.
Dinah and her managers see Davis and he is picked, and heads to his school to surprise him, announces him, and kisses him under the mistletoe. Davis realizes what is going on and reveal Bryn’s experiment (she did it before). But when it’s revealed Dinah deleted the other entries, he begs Davis to work with her, and he agrees if she will help with saving his family’s eatery with her fame.
As they write Davis wants to prove her a fake, and learns she used to write her own songs but now is stuck with people writing songs for her and wants to go back to that. Davis helps her and begins to see a new side to her but wonders if they are a match. Meanwhile, Dinah begins to fall for Davis and fears he won’t like her if she was real, especially when she admits her boyfriend was just a stunt for publicity. Soon Dinah’s ex reveals Davis’s intention causing friction, but soon Dinah realizes Davis brought out the real her, and realizes she truly loves him. Dinah keeps her promise and sings a song in private about being herself and Davis finally sees the real Dinah and realizes he is in love with her. The two sing the song they wrote together and at the end kiss.
Dinah and Davis begin dating and working on songs together.
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