Matthew McKinney's Lounge Discussions

Looking to connect with classic thriller and horror lovers

My name is Josh Blackmon. I am an author and screenwriter looking to connect and expand my network. I made several short films in my teens/early 20s and did a few festivals but let that side lay dormant for a while.

I am currently focused on pitching an adaption based on my Roller Derby Vampire Girl...

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Maurice Vaughan

That was cool of you to do, Josh Blackmon. Do you plan to make any more short films? Hope you get great feedback on your script.

Matthew McKinney

While I’m not too much of a fan of horror, I did jot out a story for a possession novel, but other than that I only wrote a few chapters. Putting it on the back burner.

Josh Blackmon

Maurice Vaughan at some point for sure! I forgot I have this still online. Not really a short film but we did a trailer for one of my books!

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Maurice Vaughan

I really like the trailer, Josh Blackmon. Is it part of your pitch?

Josh Blackmon

Maurice Vaughan no, to be honest, I'm not entirely happy with it. Mainly the audio, but I should definitely recut and redub to utilize as a part of the pitch. Also, needs a few more vamps. haha...

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Matthew McKinney
Clueless Starting Writer

How do you get an agent if you're looking to be a writer?

Richard Buzzell

Write first. Agent later. Much later.

Nick Waters

My advice is to keep writing. The more samples you have, the better position you'll be in to get representation.

Julie Georgina Shackman

Write your novel and then research who you would wish to represent you/reps writers you admire/same genre as you write and query them. Get your finished MS as polished as you can and then start submitting to agents. Good Luck!

Nathan Woodward

Get a polished script and then, I think a really good tool after you have that, would be the Stage 32 Career Development Call. That would at least get you talking to people who know the people you're looking for and can probably give you really good advice.

David Abrookin

To misquote a shampoo bottle: Write, rewrite, repeat. But seriously, D.E. is on the money with this one, write it and enjoy the process!

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