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T.H.E. C.L.U.E.S.

T.H.E. C.L.U.E.S.
By Kearsten Weeks

GENRE: Drama, Mystery

T.H.E. C.L.U.E.S. are déjà-vu-life wanderers with keys to open unhinged doors of reincarnation; on a mission to shift global consciousness toward Oneness; forced to face an explosive challenge: saving humanity from self-destruction. 

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T.H.E. C.L.U.E.S. are karma—a battle with the status quo; the wild-ride of eight wanderers living a déjà-vu-life brought to New York City by an out-of-this world experience, mementos depicting Suffragettes, and psychic visions spark a new phenomenon: art imitating life; an intentional symbolism beyond hidden Easter-eggs and the obvious; from the past, in the present; an invitation to lift the veil into a paradoxical paradigm where even the biggest skeptics become open to accept the reason behind fortune cookies being handed out for seemingly no reason and a church's cheeky message board being the profound wisdom to align mind-body-soul; where you do not need to be a pirate to have found treasure within the messy playground of life—fusing all we’ve ever known with "as seen on tv"—a compass to blur fiction, fantasy, and reality; a revolution; a new genre: enlightening entertainment—a powerful change in consciousness and virtue to inspire and empower—character and audience—to save humanity from self-destruction.

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T.H.E. C.L.U.E.S.

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