These are clips from my latest projects, form short films, tv series, and features.
I directed, wrote, produced and shot this important documentation of LGBTQI history.. I was very proud to be nominated for an Emmy.
Montgomery Clift was one of the most sought after american actors of the 20th century. In this short film, We shine a light on some of the women who inspired him... Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and the man that brought him down, John Houston! Starring: David Millbern, Bradley Stein, Lynda Kay, Daneen Melody, Bess Motta, Timothy Joseph Norr, Jeffrey Patrick Olson, Colton Little. Crew: Produced by Alan Row Kelley and Billy Clift, Exectutive Producers David Brown and Steffen...
DVD Release: December 2011 Buy Now: Just six days before the vote on Prop 8, the sweet and geeky Paul attends a wedding and decides he wants to get married to the man of his dreams. At the same time, he's assigned to work for a conservative client who's campaigning against gay marriage -- and he's too strapped for cash to say "no."
"This trailer for the hilarious parody feature film Baby Jane? A parody/homage/horror/comedy based on what else but "What Ever Happened To Baby Jane?" This film stars Matthew Martin, thought to be the best Bette Davis impersonator at this time... also J.
Facebook @!/fansofjimmycentury "Hollywood Ending" - Fans of Jimmy Century Directed by the incomparable Billy Clift!! Assistant Director: Lawrence Iriarte Director of Photography: Elson Ros Wardrobe: Gina Marie Hats: Kitty Andrews Millnery Designs: Swati Couture Fine... Electronic Dance group Fans of Jimmy Century's "International" Video from director Billy Clift Directed by - Billy Clift Hair & Make-up - Billy Clift Executive Producer - Randy Sterns Director of Photography - John Lore Camera - Josh Smith Styling - Gina Marie Hair Disc/Piece - Weaven Steven Set
This is filmmaker's Billy Clift's Music Video DEMO REEL.