These are clips from my latest projects, form short films, tv series, and features.
These are clips from my latest projects, form short films, tv series, and features.
I directed, wrote, produced and shot this important documentation of LGBTQI history.. I was very proud to be nominated for an Emmy.
Montgomery Clift was one of the most sought after american actors of the 20th century. In this short film, We shine a light on some of the women who inspired him... Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Judy Garland and the man that brought him down, John Houston! Starring: David Millbern, Bradley Stein, Lynda Kay, Daneen Melody, Bess Motta, Timothy Joseph Norr, Jeffrey Patrick Olson, Colton Little. Crew: Produced by Alan Row Kelley and Billy Clift, Exectutive Producers David Brown and Steffen Gauss, casting by Christopher Donaldson, Director of Photography Bart Mastronardi, written by Michael Varrati, costumes by Perry Ash, music by Mark Sargent, sound by Kevin Mangold, catering but Elizabeth Clift, Script by Suzanna Regos, PA'S Edward Wiklund, Tara Langton and Directed by Billy Clift.
Hi there Billy ! Thanks for adding me to your network. I m n actor from India. Please have a look at my Show_Reel ... Your feedback is very welcome ! Best Wishes Billy :). Take Care!...
Expand postHi there Billy ! Thanks for adding me to your network. I m n actor from India. Please have a look at my Show_Reel ... Your feedback is very welcome ! Best Wishes Billy :). Take Care!
Just got my INDIEGOGO up and running for my next hilarious and very frightening feature film HUSH UP SWEET CHARLOTTE, check it out!!
Check out my first teaser for my next feature film... thanks!!!!
Hey Billy please take a look at my work and tell me if you want to cowrite anything I think you would be great to work with Respect Mark
some great log the serial killer idea who collects their personalities.. cool
Dear Billy I would like to cordially invite you to the premiere industry showcase of the year, Worldwide Star Search being held in Los Angeles at the beautiful Sheraton Suites Downtown on August 17, 2013! This event is not to be missed! At the showcase you’ll be able to: Audition union and non-union...
Expand postDear Billy I would like to cordially invite you to the premiere industry showcase of the year, Worldwide Star Search being held in Los Angeles at the beautiful Sheraton Suites Downtown on August 17, 2013! This event is not to be missed! At the showcase you’ll be able to: Audition union and non-union, ready to market models, actors, singers, dancers and hosts for your current and future projects. Network with the industry’s best agents, managers, casting directors, producers, directors, photographers, ad agencies, magazines, designers and other clients from around the world! In addition, we are proud to showcase the largest division of Asian and bilingual talents of any showcase in the industry! For more information about Worldwide Star Search, please visit our website Please RSVP your attendance by responding to this message. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at (213) 380 – 9209. We look forward to seeing you! Best,
GREAT.. love it and totally agree.. constantly striving to be better is all we have... and what its about.. thanks for sharing..
I am working on a screenplay about a $320M lottery for the 320M living American. Thousands of women getting pregnant at the same time to give birth to the winner on time. Problem is, I don't have enough comedy. Anyone know where to research for such comedy? Much apreciated. I'm looking online and at the Library.
I always look first at what makes me laugh.. I watch every movie that does it.. what are my favorites.. Like Whats Up Doc or Young Frankenstein.... then today even go to what funny on TV.. 30rock was...
Expand commentI always look first at what makes me laugh.. I watch every movie that does it.. what are my favorites.. Like Whats Up Doc or Young Frankenstein.... then today even go to what funny on TV.. 30rock was big.. gone now but big and it was a type of comedy.. we are in a time of absurd comedy... Bridesmaids.. pushing the absurd.. thats how I do my research.. and keep on watching over and over and over.. because its all about timing. My two cents..
Thanks. Guess I need to watch more comedy.
Vonnie, comedy is one of the hardest genres to write, Look at some of the silent movies of yesteryear and see how without dialogue they make you laugh. Notice that the best characters never know they...
Expand commentVonnie, comedy is one of the hardest genres to write, Look at some of the silent movies of yesteryear and see how without dialogue they make you laugh. Notice that the best characters never know they are being funny. Once you understand how to create something visually funny try overlaying with dialogue that moves it in yet another direction. Then add layers on the same gag for instance a man walks down a street and walks into a tree. (That's funny we laugh when others suffer misfortune) The same man walks down a street is about to walk into a lamppost stops short acknowledges with a wave that he almost walks into happy with himself he moves to the left walks a further step and falls down an open manhole cover (That's Funny we laugh because we weren't expecting it and we like to laugh at the misfortune of others) Don't believe me look at Rowan Atkinson do it on Youtube But then add the dialogue to increase the comedy. I've a few ideas. The one thing that is certain is that he shouldn't be talking about lampposts. How about him talking about how stupid the sales assistant who served him earlier is, or talking about how bad things have been and things can only get better nooooooow
Happy Weekend!!! Im a Director, Producer, Writer and editor... focusing on indie features and Music Video's.. always looking for collaborators... living in the city where it all happens.. LA.
I would love to work with you, please contact me at 619 822 9715
Hey Dorothy.. love your passion.. looking more for other producers, writers...
Oh okay, well if you need anyone to act out your writing give me a call. :)
DVD Release: December 2011 Buy Now: Just six days before the vote on Prop 8, the sweet and geeky Paul attends a wedding and decides he wants to get married to the man of his dreams. At the same time, he's assigned to work for a conservative client who's campaigning against gay marriage -- and he's too strapped for cash to say "no."