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By Jasun Horsley

GENRE: Horror

An ambitious young advertising exec is drawn into a cosmic conspiracy involving high-level occultist practices within corporate and political power structures, introduced to compromising sexual practices that include blood-drinking, torture, and murder, and slowly turns into a “Nosferatu,” or Vampire.


Adam, a young man (late 20s to early 30s), lives alone, works at Global Reach advertising company. Ambitious, ruthless, moving in an American Psycho-like corporate world of sexual conquest and hedonist power games. Had a girlfriend, Rachel, but is uncommitted. Masturbates secretly to torture porn. He is seeing a psychiatrist for his chronic headaches, called Hartman. Unbeknownst to Adam, Hartman stalks and murders people at night in order to drink their blood. Driven and guided by voices in his head (specifically that of Samael, an ancient demon), his aim is to become immortal. When possessed, Hartman is a cold, calculating psychopath and predator of humankind who operates with chilling precision and skill, and even charm (think Ted Bundy), killing and mutilating without compunction. Yet Hartman is unaware of committing these acts.

At work, Adam meets a powerful corporate mercenary and headhunter called Lucien Ariman, and is taken to a private nightclub and introduced to “blood whores,” who give their blood in sexual rituals. Slowly, Adam becomes addicted to blood and undergoes a dark awakening, including heightened senses and increased physical prowess. He is initiated into secret society that is a corporate criminal underworld, with links to supernatural beings, or Nosferatu the original inhabitants of the Earth (fallen Sons of God), for whom human beings are as livestock. Adam also meets a mysterious and exotic woman, Sophia, who seems to know all about his life and his most intimate secrets. Sophia is one of “the Keepers,” a higher level being even than the Nosferatu, who wishes to rescue Adam from certain damnation. She works with Lovecraft, a grizzled sorcerer slash private detective, who attempts an “intervention,” to rescue Adam from his blood addiction and reverse his dark transformation, to bring him over to the side of Light.

This would require a medium budget, and falls somewhere between a more serious exploration of moral corruption and madness (such as American Psycho or Hereditary) and a horror yarn such as Blade or 30 Days of Night.

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