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By Jasun Horsley

GENRE: Other, Independent

A falsely-awakened spiritual seeker (& pot smoker) winds up as an accidental serial murderer when every woman he touches dies on him. He is hunted by a police detective whose grasp on reality slowly comes unravelled.  


In an unspecified near-future city, disenchanted cop, Gabriel Link, is on the hunt for a killer. Or is he? Young women are dying, but is it murder or natural causes? Link’s associates think he is on a wild goose chase. Palmer, “extra-consensual” researcher and police psychologist, is concerned about Link’s obsession (it’s her job), but curious about the case. As Link and Palmer close in on their man, the anomalies multiply, and in a series of interrogations with the suspect, Link’s sense of reality starts to unravel.

Who or what are they dealing with? Until recently, Jed Frost was just another slacker, living aimlessly with his girlfriend and cat. But Jed has undergone an awakening, and in his new state of being, he is able to hear people’s thoughts and to see the future laid out before him as a series of alternating inevitabilities. Increasingly disconnected from his girlfriend, he cannot understand her exasperation when he placidly reassures her that she does not exist. They break up and Jed moves into a seedy hotel in a dangerous part of town, eager to test out his new state of being. His bizarre behaviour gets him beaten up and arrested, but Jed is now indifferent to personal danger. He lacks all sense of an identity, and has become a “residual image” of himself, a living embodiment of non-dual consciousness. All he sees is “the light of dead stars,” the residual images of an existence long past and gone.

Like a darkly dysfunctional Jesus, Jed mingles with the destitute and drug-addicted, hanging out with junkies and hookers, looking for others like himself. All that remains of him that is recognizably human is a strong biological desire for sexual congress. His new state of indifference, combined with whatever strange energy moves through him, gives him powers of seduction that are almost supernatural. Women both high and low cannot resist him, and as Jed’s sexual trysts mount, so do the bodies. Causes of death, “unknown.”

When Jed meets Illiana, a young woman trapped with her abusive parents, his state of enlightened indifference begins to crumble, and he is moved to try to save her. Is he an Angel of Death, offering an escape route out of an illusory reality? Or is he a lonely and isolated soul, increasingly desperate to find a partner who will survive his deadly Midas touch? And who are the unseen “deep state” intelligences Palmer is mysteriously uplinked to, with their secret agenda for Jed?

Throw The Tenant, Donnie Darko, Man Bites Dog, I Heart Huckabees, Georgios "Yorgos" Lanthimos (The Lobster), and early Hal Hartley into Seth Brundle's telepod, sprinkle with some Cormac McCarthy, and you may get some idea of what to expect.

Marcos Fizzotti

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Arthur Charpentier

masturbation is not sex? and if a dude has sex with a man, will he also die or not? how does it all work?

Nate Rymer

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Tasha Lewis

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Jasun Horsley

yes with a man also; hadnt considered Jed masturbating! lol; method of suicide? thanks for the question

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