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By Diana Murdock

GENRE: Other
LOGLINE: A high school wrestler struggles to overcome a 1500-year-old soul who has infiltrated his body to fulfill its eternal curse of killing its lovers, and his girlfriend is next.


One boy… One girl… One 1500-year-old soul hell-bent on coming between them… permanently. The lure of having it all is strong, and when 17-year-old Seth Thompson has the opportunity to buy power and control from an online seller, he can’t resist. Seth knows exactly what he would do with them. He’d be well on his way to a wrestling scholarship, his dad could stop working so hard to make ends meet, and he’d forever have the heart of his girlfriend, Dani. Knowing it is probably a scam, but silently hoping it isn’t, Seth bids on - and wins - a soul for one dollar. Immediate delivery is what the seller promises, but Seth attributes the intense sensations he feels as the flu. He doesn’t realize that Maksim, the body-hopping soul burdened with a centuries-old curse to kill his lovers, is already making a home inside him. Instant healing, manipulating the elements, melting away his girlfriend’s boundaries, and feeling other’s energies are now part of Seth whether or not he likes it, as Maksim continues to instill his power into him. Seth isn’t so easily convinced, though, that he wants all of that, but finds it near impossible to resist. Power is intoxicating and no one is immune to the energy Seth is putting out. Including Alyx, self-proclaimed dark misfit, whose own power to tap into the elements draws her to Seth for reasons she doesn’t understand. Maksim immediately sees her as a problem. Seth, absorbing the thoughts and emotions of Maksim, demands that she stay away from Dani, but succeeds only in strengthening her resolve to discover what is lurking underneath Seth’s cool demeanor. Maksim not only proves he is no angel, but reveals to Seth that he is out to hurt Dani. At school, with Dani standing so close, he manipulates Seth’s energetic thread and reaches out to choke her, as he has done to countless lovers since having the curse placed upon him. Seth pulls back, realizing Maksim’s intention. Later that day, seeing no other way to keep Dani safe, Seth breaks up with her. Dani, knowing Seth still loves her, and Alyx, undeterred by his threat, do their own research and discover Maksim’s link to a pattern of murders that stretch across centuries. Dani, Alyx, and Seth’s best friend, Justin, follow Seth to the high school after a dramatic display of power in the woods outside of town. Wills clash and energy explodes when Seth goes toe-to-toe with Maksim in a last-ditch effort to protect his friends. He collapses from the strain and they rush him to the hospital where doctors are stumped as to the cause of his condition. Seth’s friends know that what has a hold of him isn’t something medicine can cure. When they realize that Seth bought the soul online, Dani and Justin go to Seth’s computer to put the soul up for auction. When Dani goes back to the hospital, Justin takes matters into his own hands and buys the soul himself. He calls Dani to let her know that a buyer has been found. She rushes to Seth’s room to find he is truly free of Maksim. Now, however, Maksim is Justin's problem.

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