GENRE: Family, Drama
“In a resilient but impoverished neighborhood, a beloved kid serves as the heart of his family and community, overcoming daily challenges with unwavering optimism. However, when tragedy strikes, the family must navigate life with shattered hearts, testing their strength and unity in the face of adversity.”
In a struggling neighborhood, a cherished kid's optimism lifts his family and community. Tragedy tests their unity and resilience, challenging them to persevere with broken hearts.
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Tasha thanks
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How about this Derrick Vernon
In a struggling neighborhood, a cherished kid's optimism lifts his family and community. Tragedy tests their unity and resilience, challenging them to persevere with broken hearts.
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Hey Derrick Vernon, looks like a fabulous idea for a series. I agree with Mark Deuce and wonder if the logline could be shortened a bit.