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The Eggs Files follows disgraced small town detective Eldridge Haas down the Rabbit Hole, as he pursues his quarry, a cosmic evil commonly referred to as the Easter Bunny.
It's been nearly 35 years since Eldridge Haas witnessed the gleeful look in the soulless googly eyes of the large furry bipedal horror known as the Easter Bunny. It's smile widened as his younger brothers soul got devoured in its gaze. Eldridge reacted too late to save his brother, but fast enough to grab a fist full of fur and tear it from the beast. It's that fur that keeps him sane and gathering clues (easter eggs) to continue his hunt.
After a rash of local kidnappings and child murders leading up to the Easter holiday, Haas is convinced he's the only one with the experience to transverse the wild (bunny) trail that lingers between the human world the animal world and the supernatural.
With the help of his best good boy Tanner(the dog) and a cast of unlikely allies and misfits, they piece together one of the greatest cover-ups of the town's history.
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