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A young police officer serves papers on an elderly woman that could mean eviction from her home of 45 years.
A police-style patrol vehicle cruises down a lonely road in a sparse landscape. Sergeant Zillah Harmonia (38) of the Bureau of Environmental Security drives past spinning wind turbines, which dominate the landscape. She stops at a ranch house surrounded by lots with empty foundations. Edna Spargo (74), a widow who lives alone, cuts flowers as Zillah approaches with an electronic tablet and an envelope. The two know each other; Zillah grew up in the neighborhood, and she was a playmate with Edna’s child, Amber. Zillah is visiting to propose compensating Edna for abandoning the house to build more wind turbines. As she has for months, Edna objects, refusing to accept the paperwork, and calls on her adult daughter Amber Johnson (37) for help. When Amber arrives, Edna again pleads her case for staying in her home, but Amber sides with Zillah. Edna is overruled, and Zillah remembers her childhood as the house is abandoned and Edna relocated for what Zillah believes is the greater good.
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