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As the Seattle waterfront seethes with revolution, a beat cop struggles to understand his brother’s underground life, while identifying the powerful man behind the murder of his snitch.
In 1934, Corporal Samson “Sam” O’Neill (35) is ordered by Police Lieutenant Jack Fleming (38), who has a fresh cut on his cheek, to investigate a body floating by a pier. Sam and his partner, Patrolman George Deschamps (29), head to the waterfront and find the corpse of Kelly Jensen (46), one of Sam’s informants. Sam asks to help with the inquiry, but Fleming says no; He’s not yet a detective.
The previous day, an ambulance races toward the pier. Four longshoremen carry a comrade on a litter toward the shore. The ambulance arrives at the Ashcroft and Company dock, but the injured man has died. His compatriots grieve. Nearby, Sam and George shake down a Gang Boss for payoff money, just as the Boss picks men for a work crew. In the crowd is Randy O’Neill (27), a union organizer. His close friend and secret lover Russell Faber (26) stands by. Randy berates the Gang Boss for picking men unfairly. He tells the others they can change their conditions. The Gang Boss threatens Randy, but Sam steps in to prevent a fight. Sam and Randy are brothers, but Sam is unaware of Randy’s homosexuality.
Sam sees his informant Kelly loitering nearby. He asks Kelly about the workers’ mood. Kelly says a major strike is planned. Back at police headquarters, Sam stuffs the payoff money into Fleming’s desk. He runs into Chief Jerome Howard (51), who asks Sam about waterfront conditions. Meanwhile, at a local union hall, Randy prepares marchers for a demonstration.
In a downtown high-rise, Alden P. Ashcroft (61), owner of Ashcroft and Company, meets with Chief Howard and Mayor Charles Smith (58). Ashcroft admonishes Howard to keep the peace. They don’t want a repeat of 1916, when five longshoremen and two policemen died. Howard flashes back to the incident and how he saved a young Kelly Jensen’s life. Outside Ashcroft’s office, Randy’s demonstrators, waving placards and singing songs, are attacked by mounted police officers.
Sam returns home, finding his wife, Marla (35), his son Sam, Jr. (3), and his mother, Thelma (70), who has dementia. Marla knows Sam takes bribes, but they need the money. Randy arrives, bloody from the riot in front of Ashcroft’s office. Russell helps him to the table. Sam and Randy argue about Randy’s union activities. Sam tells Randy to move out. Marla offers Russell food. Later, while the house sleeps, Marla sees Randy and Russell in a tender moment. She urges Sam to go easy on his brother.
In the city’s seediest neighborhood, Kelly meets his lover, who strangles him. The next morning, Kelly’s body is hauled out of the water by Sam and George. Feeling responsible, Sam disobeys Fleming and visits the morgue. Evidence found under Kelly’s fingernails suggests the killer’s blood type, AB. Sam wonders about the cut on Fleming’s cheek. The morgue doctor calls Howard to complain about unauthorized visits by uniformed cops.
Randy rallies dock workers for the strike. They hear a speech by union leader Harry Bridges (33). Police arrive, including Sam, and break up the meeting. The next day, under Randy’s leadership, the workers rally again at the Ashcroft pier. Chief Howard tries to get the marchers to leave, but they refuse. Missiles fly, and a rock hits a picketer. In Ashcroft’s office, Howard calls for negotiations, but Ashcroft and Smith tell him to put down the strikers. Howard refuses and resigns. Smith tells Fleming to stop the strike. Fleming follows orders, and police show up, heavily armed, Sam among them. A full-scale riot ensues. Gunfire erupts. Strikers and police go down, including Fleming. Russell is killed.
As he staunches Fleming’s bleeding, Sam asks his blood type, which is A. Fleming is not Kelly’s killer. Sam needs advice. He visits former Chief Howard and sees a wound on his shoulder. Sam asks Howard's blood type: AB. Sam confronts Howard, who tells Sam that Randy is gay to shock and distract, then tries to kill Sam and escape. Finally trapped, Howard kills himself.
Sam returns home and finds his brother. He tells him to stay; he doesn’t care about his private life. They embrace. Tears flow for both men.
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